Friday, February 12, 2010

Are You An Election Worker For The March 2nd Primary?

If you are an Election Judge, Alternate Judge, or Clerk for either the Democratic Party Primary or Republican Party Primary it is mandatory by law that you attend an "Election Law" training class. It is also highly recommended that you attend a "Machine Training" class.

Machine Training will give you hands-on experience on the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) touch screen voting booth equipment and the ePollBook laptop computers being used for this election.
[Note: In addition to the DRE touch screen voting booth equipment used at every polling location, 50 polling locations will use ePollBook laptop computers, in place of the old-style printed paper Poll Book binders, to qualify and sign in voters. The remaining 15 polling locations will use the old-style printed paper Poll Book binders on March 2nd.]

Election Judges should contact each member of your polling place team and make sure they attend one of the schedule election training classes. Election Law and Machine Training dates and times are given below the fold click:

Election Law Training Machine Training
Election Law Training offered by the Collin
County Elections Office This is the preferred
training, as some issues specific to Collin
County are covered in this live class.

Dates and times for these classes:
Thursday, February 18th at 1:00pm
Thursday, February 18th at 6:30pm
Saturday, February 20th at 10:00am.

Location for these classes:
University Drive Courts Facility
Central Jury Room
1800 North Graves Street
McKinney, TX 75069

You must notify your Political Party's
County Elections Administrator to
confirm your training class attendance.
Machine Training Training offered by the
Collin County Elections Office

Dates and times for these classes:
Saturday, February 13th at 2:00pm;
Wednesday, February 17th at 2:00pm;
Friday, February 19th at 9:00am;
Saturday, February 20th at 2:00pm;
Wednesday, February 24th at 2:00pm;
Thursday, February 25th at 2:00pm;
Friday, February 26th at 9:00am.

Location for these classes:
University Drive Courts Facility
Central Jury Room
1800 North Graves Street
McKinney, TX 75069
Online Election Law training available on
the Texas Secretary of State website. This
online Poll Worker Training provided by
the Secretary of State can be accessed at

To participate in the online training, just
register yourself, create a password and
begin the class. This training satisfies the
Election Law training requirement for
election workers. Once you have successfully
completed the course and receive
your online certificate of completion you
must save or print your online certificate of
completion and send a copy to
Political Party's County Elections
either by mail or e-mail. The
entire course takes about two hours to

The Democratic Party of Collin County will
also provide Election Law training during the
last week of February, and we will announce
the dates, times, and locations in the coming
days. This training will also cover practical
tips on setting up your polling location for
optimal flow, and we will also try to make the
practical tips available on the party's website

Democratic Primary Election - March 2010

In the March 2010 primaries Texas voters will choose which candidates will represent their respective political party in the November general elections. Texas is somewhat unique in that the Democratic and Republican political party organizations in each county are in charge of running their own primary elections with funding from the Texas Secretary of State.

State of Texas residents vote in what is known as an open primary. This means that as long as a qualified Texas resident registers to vote at least 30 days prior to the date of the primary election day, that person will be allowed to vote in either the Republican or Democratic primary election. The voter is then affiliated with the party they select for the primary and restricted from participating in events of other political parties for the remainder of the primary year.
Texas does not register by party, rather one becomes “affiliated” with a party by voting in the party’s primary election. That affiliation then lasts for that entire primary year. As an example, if a person voted in the March 2008 Democratic Primary or April 2008 Democratic Primary runoff, that person's affiliation with the Democratic party did not expire until December 31, 2008.
The affiliation means that the person may not vote in another party’s primary or primary runoff, or participate in another party’s precinct, county or state convention or sign a for another party's candidate if the candidate’s position appears on the primary ballot.

A person who votes in the 2010 Republican Primary is disqualified from participating in the Democratic party’s precinct, county and state conventions, and vice versa. The Republican affiliated voter is also restricted from participating in other local and state Democratic Party activities, including being nominated by the Democratic Party to serve as an Election Judge, Alternate Judge or Clerk.
Note: In the November General Election voters may vote for whomever they wish, regardless of how or whether they voted in the primary or runoff primary election. All candidates of all parties appear on the same November General Election ballot.
Democratic Precinct Convention

On the evening of the March 2nd Primary Election Day, after the last voter has voted and the polls close, Democratic primary voters throughout Texas will meet at their respective Election Day Neighborhood Precinct Polling Locations to hold a Precinct Convention to do the following:
  1. Elect delegates and alternates to the Democratic Collin County Convention and from thence to the Democratic State Convention
    2010 Collin County Democratic Convention
    Saturday, March 20th, 10:30 a.m
    Plano Centre (Spring Creek Parkway & Jupiter Rd.)
  2. Adopt resolutions that will be submitted to the Democratic Collin County Convention.
The precinct convention may seem complicated at first, but it is very easy and quick to conduct. Here are some links to find more information about the Democratic Precinct Convention:
If you did not receive a new Blue and White voter registration card during December 2009 or January 2010, it may indicate that you are no longer properly registered to vote. You should call the Registrar's office to ask why you did not receive your new Blue and White 2010-2011 voter registration card. (Check your registration status online here.)
800-687-8546 / 972-547-1990
For more information on the new Blue and White 2010-2011 voter registration cards, click here.

Conducting Your March 2nd Democratic Precinct Convention

Primary voters throughout Collin County will go to their 2010 primary election day polling locations after the polls close on March 2, 2010 to hold precinct conventions to do the following:
  1. Elect delegates and alternates to the 2010 Democratic Collin County Convention.
  2. Adopt resolutions that will be submitted to the county convention.
Sign posted by Democratic
Judge at polling location
The 2010 Collin County Democratic Convention Convenes on Saturday, March 20th, 10:30 a.m at the Plano Centre. (Spring Creek Parkway & Jupiter Rd.)

Collin County residents must have voted in the 2010 Democratic primary in order to sign into one of the 179 Democratic precinct conventions, which convene shortly after the polls close on March 2nd, at the 65 polling locations around Collin Co. Republican primary voters will also conduct their own precinct conventions at different locations within the same 2010 primary election day polling locations.
March 2nd polling locations will have one to several separately convened Republican and Democratic Party precinct conventions, in different locations around the polling places' gym, cafeteria, lobby and so forth. People must locate and attend their party's precinct convention for their home address voting precinct.

Each Primary Election Day Polling Place Democratic Election Judge will contact the Democratic chairs of precincts voting at his/her polling location before election day to coordinate the election evening precinct convention hand off. Otherwise, for any precinct without a chair, the Democratic Party of Collin County Primary Administrator will give a list of 2008 precinct convention delegates to the Democratic Election Judge to contact for election evening precinct convention hand off. The Precinct Chair typically serves as the temporary precinct convention chair to organize the precinct convention, but, in the absence of a Precinct Chair, anyone who votes in the party's 2010 primary may serve as temporary chair.

Anyone who wishes to help organize the election evening precinct convention for their home voting precinct should contact the Democratic Party of Collin County office at either 972-578-1483 or and ask for the Primary Administrator.
Precinct Conventions Are Quick And Easy

The precinct convention may seem complicated at first, but it is very easy and quick to conduct. Here are the two basic rules that you need to know:
  1. Voters who VOTED in the Democratic primary (either early, or by mail, or on election day) can participate in the precinct convention for the precinct where they are registered to vote. You can find your precinct number on your Voter Registration Card in the box titled "Prec. No." You can see your Registration Card online by clicking here.

  2. The Democratic Party Precinct Chair of your precinct has priority in terms of convening the precinct convention and is considered the temporary chair of the convention; however, any registered voter from the precinct who voted in the 2010 Democratic Primary can start the convention in the event the precinct chair does not attend the convention, or the precinct chair position is vacant.

    The precinct chair, or other person intending to serve as the temporary chair of the convention, inspects the polling location to determine a good location for the convention. A large sign is placed at the polling place telling exactly when and where the convention will be held. Each voter should also be provided the information verbally and given a hand-out reminder.

    The county party provides a convention packet with instructions, forms, and an easy to fill-in agenda/minutes. The packet is typically kept at the Primary Polling Place by the Election Judge for the election day polling location. The packets are handed off to the temporary chair at the time that the Election Judge declares the Election Day Polling Place closed or at 7:15 P.M., which ever is later.

Steps To Conduct Your Precinct Convention

The precinct convention may seem complicated at first, but it is very easy and quick to conduct. Here are the basic steps that you need to know:

Step 1: After the polls close and the last voter has voted, the precinct chair, who has the first right to serve as the convention's temporary chair, should obtain the precinct convention packet from the election judge. The 2010 Democratic precinct convention packet will includes the following items:
  1. One letter from the State Party Chair
  2. Convention Minutes Form
  3. Convention Exhibit A Sign-in Form
  4. Convention Exhibit G Delegate Form
  5. Convention Exhibit H Alternate Form
  6. Number of Delegates that may be elected
  7. Texas Democratic Party Rules
  8. Precinct Convention Instructions
  9. Other forms and information
If the precinct chair does not claim the package within 15 minutes after the poll closes and the last voter in line has voted, any registered voter from the precinct who voted in the 2010 Democratic primary and is attending the precinct convention can serve as the temporary chair of the convention. The temporary chair, after obtaining the precinct convention packet from the election judge, convenes the convention for his/her precinct, and serve as the temporary chair to call for the election of the permanent convention chair. Most of the convention activity is set by state law, the Rules of the Texas Democratic Party, and Robert’s Rules of Order.

Step 2: The temporary chair asks people who enter the convention site:
  1. If they are there to participate in the precinct convention,
  2. Whether they voted in the 2010 Democratic Primary, and
  3. In which precinct they are registered to vote.
If they did not vote in the Democratic primary, they are not eligible to participate in the convention, though they are welcome to attend and observe. If they did vote in the Democratic primary, direct them to the convention location for the precinct in which they are registered.
An effort will be made by the temporary precinct convention chair to confirm that each convention attendee voted in the Democratic primary and lives in the correct precinct by checking their stamped voter registration card, or primary voting verification receipt slip.

The blue 2010 voter registration card should be stamp "DEMOCRATIC" as show in the picture right. (click picture to enlarge)
  • Note: not everyone who voted in the 2010 primary will have remembered to have their card stamped or request a voting verification receipt slip.
If the voter presents neither a “Democratic” stamped voter registration card nor a primary voting verification receipt slip, voting verification will be completed by checking the list of early voters for each election precinct provided to each Election Judge by the county election registrar, and the poll list of election day voters.
If people arriving for the convention do not have evidence that they voted in the 2010 primary, they must still be permitted to participate, so long as they state they did voted in the Democratic primary, though in this case, the County Convention Credentials Committee must later check and validate their eligibility status. This could change the results of delegate allocations, if individuals are later found ineligible to have voted in the precinct convention.

If the person voted in the Democratic primary and is in the correct precinct, their name, address, voter registration number and other information must be entered on the "exhibit A" sign in form.
In presidential election years, people must state their presidential preference when they sign in to participate in the precinct convention. Since 2010 is not a presidential year, convention participates will not state a presidential preference as they sign in to the convention.
Step 3: Once everyone is registered on the "Exhibit A" form, the temporary convention chair calls the convention to order and asks someone to serve as the temporary convention secretary, if a temporary secretary has not yet been appointed.

The first order of business called by the temporary convention chair is to elect a permanent precinct convention chair and a permanent precinct convention secretary. The temporary convention secretary must clearly print the minutes of this business on the official "Convention Minutes" carbon copy form. As soon the a permanent precinct convention chair and a permanent precinct convention secretary are elected they take over the convention and conduct business until the convention adjourns.

Step 4: The next orders of business called by the permanent precinct convention chair is for the nomination and election of delegates and alternates to the Collin County Convention.

The convention packet should include a form that gives the number of delegates that may be elected to represent the precinct at the county convention. Only people who are in attendance and entitled to participate in the convention, by having voted in the Democratic primary and signed in for the precinct convention.

Step 5: The precinct convention body, as a whole, will then ratify (vote for) the selection of delegates and alternates. The precinct convention as a whole will then elect a delegation chair for the Collin County convention. The convention chair then announces the delegation chair, the list of delegates and alternates, and the date, time and location of the county convention.

Step 6: The convention chair then ask for any proposed convention resolutions to be read aloud. Discuss each proposed convention resolutions and approve or discard them. After all resolutions have been dealt with, convention chair asks for if anyone would like to move and second the adjournment of the convention. If the a majority of the convention body votes for adjournment, the convention chair gavels the convention to close.

After the Convention:
  1. The convention chair must complete the forms and have both the signatures of both the convention chair and the convention secretary sign them.
  2. Deliver the Convention Minutes, Exhibit A sign-in sheets, and Exhibit G and H Delegate and Alternate forms to the Democratic Party of Collin County Office, 1:PM on Friday, March 5, 2010. If you mail them, they must be postmarked by Thursday, March 4. Actual delivery to the office as soon as possible, rather than mailing, is preferred. This is the official record for the county convention and delegate allocation
Precinct Convention Document (click image)



Exhibit A

Exhibit G

Exhibit H


Precinct Convention Check List Summary

Primary voters throughout Texas will go to their 2010 primary election day polling locations after the polls close on March 2, 2010 to hold precinct conventions to do the following:

  1. Elect delegates and alternates to the county conventions.
  2. Adopt resolutions that will be submitted to the county conventions.
The precinct convention is the first step in the convention delegate process. That process begins at the precinct level and moves on to the county level and on to the state, and in presidential years, to the national convention. Much of what is done is set by state law, the Rules of the Texas Democratic Party, and Robert’s Rules of Order.

The precinct convention is called to order by the temporary chair. The precinct chair typically acts as the temporary chair, but if the precinct chair is not available, any interested Democratic 2010 Democratic primary voter from the precinct may pick up the convention packet and convene the meeting as the temporary chair.

Precinct Convention Check List Summary:
  1. Each Precinct must hold its own convention. If your precinct has been consolidated with others for voting on Election Day, you still must hold your precinct conventions separately.
  2. Your precinct convention may NOT begin until the last voter has voted at the Election Day Polling Place where the precinct conventions are schedule to convene or after 7:15 p.m. whichever is later. (TX Elec. Code Sec. 174.022).
  3. A Temporary Chair steps forward to pick up the convention packet from the Election Judge and to assume responsibility to check in convention attendees. The Temporary Chair is usually the Precinct Chair, but it can be anyone who picks up the packet from the Election Judge may serve as the Temporary Chair. The precinct convention packet will includes the following items:
    1. One letter from the State Party Chair
    2. Convention Minutes Form
    3. Convention Exhibit A Sign-in Form
    4. Convention Exhibit G Delegate Form
    5. Convention Exhibit H Alternate Form
    6. Number of Delegates that may be elected
    7. Texas Democratic Party Rules
    8. Precinct Convention Instructions
    9. Other forms and information
  4. The Temporary Chair appoints a Temporary Secretary to assist in checking and recording convention attendee information and to record minutes of opening proceedings.
  5. The Temporary Chair and Secretary confirms that each convention attendee voted in the Democratic primary and lives in the correct voting precinct.
  6. The Temporary Chair and Secretary enters the name, address, voter registration number and other information for each person attending the convention the on the "Exhibit A" sign in form. Each voting member of the precinct convention body must be entered on the "Exhibit A" sign in form. All fields except email and phone are required, however, at least one phone number or an email address is preferred so that the credentials committee may contact these voters in case a delegate vote challenge arises requiring verification.
  7. When sign-in of all in attendance is complete, the temporary chair calls the precinct convention to order as the Temporary Secretary records the minutes of the opening proceedings on the minutes form found in the convention packet.
  8. The temporary chair announces, "this convention will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code, and the Rules adopted by the Party in accordance with section 163.002 of the Election code..." (See the "Democratic Precinct Convention Minutes" form for the complete statement to be read by the temporary chair.)
  9. The temporary chair calls for nominations for a permanent convention chair and the Temporary Secretary records the names of each nominee. The temporary chair then calls for a vote on each nominee's name by convention attendees. A simple majority vote is sufficient to elect a permanent convention chair to run the convention.
  10. The permanent convention chair then calls for the nomination and election of a permanent convention secretary in a similar procedure. The temporary secretary continues to record these proceedings until the permanent secretary is elected takes over recording the minutes.
  11. The permanent convention chair announces:
    1. Number of people who signed in on “Exhibit A” at the precinct convention who voted in the Democratic Primary;
    2. The number of Delegates and equal number of Alternates the precinct convention is allowed to elect to advance to the county convention. (An alternate is someone who may take the place of a delegate at the county convention if the delegate is unable to attend and participate in the county convention.)
  12. The permanent convention chair calls for nominations of Delegates and Alternates to the Collin County Convention according to the rules set forth in the TDP Handbook Article IV.B. The following is a brief synopsis of the rules:
    1. The chair announces that any individual or group present may submit a written petition to caucus, and that other convention attendees are permit to sign the petition and join the caucus. Participants may sign only one such petition. The caucus may act as a group for the purpose of nominating and electing their representative portion of Delegates and Alternates. If no caucus petitions are offered then the full portion of Delegates and Alternates are elected at large by the full convention body. (TDP Handbook IV.B.11.b-f)
    2. Convention participants may nominate themselves or any other participant.
    3. If a non-attendee desires to be nominated as a delegate or alternate, they must notify the precinct chair prior to the precinct convention.
    4. In non-presidential years, the total number of alternate delegates equals the total number of delegates allotted to the voter precinct.
    5. Nominations are held open until a motion is made, seconded, and passed by a two-thirds majority to close nominations.
  13. The convention chair announces the names of the nominated Delegates and Alternates.
  14. The convention chair calls for the ratification, by majority vote of the full convention, of the nominated Delegates and Alternates.
  15. A single Chair of the Precinct Delegation is elected by majority vote of the full convention to represent the precinct’s delegation at the county convention.
  16. The precinct convention secretary records the names of the delegates and alternates on the Exhibit G and Exhibit H forms found in the convention packet.
  17. Other business then is considered (e.g. Resolutions) The convention considers resolutions or positions on issues. It is strongly suggested that resolutions or issue position papers be submitted in triplicate. Each resolution is voted on individually after proper discussion. A majority is required for passage.
  18. By motion and majority vote, the precinct convention is concluded and adjourned by the convention chair.
  19. The convention chair and secretary sign the minutes.
  20. Originals and copies of the minutes, the Exhibit A sign-in, Exhibit G Delegates and Exhibit H Alternates forms, and any resolutions or other adopted items must be delivered by the permanent precinct convention chair as follows:
    1. The original and one copy of each form are delivered to the county chair in one of the following ways.
      • By registered mail no later than the second day after the election
      • In person no later than 5:00 PM on the third day after the election. (In person Primary night is even better.)
    2. The second copy of the minutes and marked sign-in lists must be sent to the state Party in the envelope provided.
    3. The third copy is retained by the convention chair.

Resolutions in the Texas Democratic Party Precinct Convention

A Guide to Introducing and Passing Resolutions in the Texas Democratic Party Precinct Convention

Purposes of a resolution
  1. To memorialize someone recently deceased.
  2. To congratulate a person or group.
  3. To amend the Rules of the Texas Democratic Party (TDP).
  4. To amend the TDP Platform.
  5. To urge Democratic elected officials, especially in the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress, to advocate certain positions on policy issues. As the delegates assembled at the state convention are the highest authority within the TDP, such resolutions should carry weight with elected officials as the consensus of the grassroots of the party.
Example of a well-written resolution:
WHEREAS 44 million people in America have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance, forcing nearly one-third of Americans to face each day without the security of medical care for themselves and their families; and

WHEREAS medical debt contributed to 62 percent of U.S. bankruptcies in 2007, and, even though, 78 percent of those families filing bankruptcy had health insurance, they still were bankrupted by their medical debt; and

WHEREAS Research released in the American Journal of Public Health in September 2009 estimates that 45,000 U.S. deaths each year are associated with the lack of health insurance; and

WHEREAS A Families USA report released in March 2009 found that 9.3 million Texans were uninsured in throughout 2007 and 2008 and an additional 5,550 Texans continue to lose their health coverage each week; and

WHEREAS Both conservative and progressive researchers agree, according to facts given in a September 19, 2009 The Dallas Morning News article, that Texas leads the nation in percentage of residents without health insurance, even after removing illegal immigrants from the numbers, with only 49.5 percent of Texas residents covered by employer-sponsored insurance, compared with 58.5 percent nationwide, with an average family of four in Dallas spending $17,000 annually to pay for medical care and health insurance,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Democratic Party supports the passage of comprehensive Private Heath Insurance Industry Reform legislation.

Submitted to and adopted by Precinct ___ in Collin County, Texas, Senatorial District __, on March 2, 2010.
Convention Secretary (signature)
Structure of a resolution
  1. Give the resolution a title that indicates not merely the topic, but also the position to be advocated (i.e., instead of "Resolution on Private Heath Insurance Industry Reform," it would be better to put "Resolution For Private Heath Insurance Industry Reform").
  2. List the reasons for the resolution at the beginning, each reason being in a separate paragraph beginning with the word "whereas" (capitalized, italicized or in boldface).
  3. List each action to be taken in separate paragraphs introduced by the words "be it resolved" (capitalized, italicized or in boldface).
  4. Use semicolons to separate each paragraph, and avoid periods. A well-written resolution should consist grammatically of a single sentence.
  5. Keep the resolution brief. It should fit easily on a single page.
  6. At the end of the resolution, write: "Submitted to and Adopted by Precinct ___ in ____ County, Texas, Senatorial District ___, on March 2, 2010" and leave a signature line for the precinct convention secretary, who will sign it if the precinct convention adopts the resolution.
  7. Anyone wishing to submit a resolution show bring three printed copies of each resolution to the precinct convention
Process by which resolutions move forward
  1. Someone has an idea for a resolution and writes it up.
  2. Priority is given when the same resolution comes from multiple counties or senatorial districts. It would be a good idea to share your resolution with others who live in different precincts and in other parts of the state. Sponsoring organizations might post a resolution on their website.
  3. The resolution is introduced at the precinct convention on the evening of March 2, 2010.
  4. If the resolution passes, it will be included in the convention packet that must be delivered to the county chair within three days after the convention.
  5. The next level is the county convention.
  6. The Resolutions Committee will meet prior to the county convention. They can amend a resolution, combine it with other similar resolutions, or vote it down.
  7. The county convention or senatorial district convention will consider all the resolutions recommended by the Resolutions Committee. Those that pass will proceed to the state convention.
  8. A Temporary Resolutions Committee will consist of members of the State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC). They will organize the resolutions submitted for the state convention. They can pull out any resolution they don't like unless it has come from multiple counties or senatorial districts.
  9. Resolutions that are not statewide in significance (except for memorial or congratulatory resolutions) will not be considered at the state convention.
  10. Resolutions concerning TDP Rules or the TDP Platform will be referred to the Rules Committee or the Platform Committee.
  11. At the state convention, each senatorial district elects one member for each of various committees, such as the Permanent Resolutions Committee, the Rules Committee, and the Platform Committee, and others.
  12. If the Permanent Resolutions Committee works expediently, they will consider all of the submitted resolutions, combine them with others as possible, and then refer them for a vote on the convention floor. If they waste time, worthy resolutions will fall by the wayside.
  13. At the state convention, other resolutions may be introduced that haven't come through a county or senatorial district convention by petition of 20% of the delegates (using the proper form).
  14. Resolutions passed by the state convention will be sent by the SDEC to the Democrats elected to the Texas Legislature and U.S. Congress, as appropriate. Hopefully our representatives, whom we work so hard to get elected, will pay attention to us!

Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 Democratic Primary Candidates For Collin Co.

The following individuals have met the legal requirements to appear as candidates on the 2010 Democratic Primary Ballot in Collin County to seek the nomination of the Democratic Party for the offices shown. The offices and the candidates below are listed in the order they will appear on the March 2, 2010 Collin County Democratic Primary Election ballot.
U.S. Representative District 3
» John Lingenfelder

U.S. Representative District 4
» VaLinda Hathcox

» Felix (Rodriguez) Alvarado
» Star Locke

» Alma Ludivina Aguado
» Bill White
» Farouk Shami
» Clement E. Glenn


» Bill Dear

Lieutenant Governor
» Marc Katz
» Linda Chavez-Thompson

» Ronnie Earle

Attorney General
» Barbara Ann Radnofsky

Commissioner of the General Land Office
» Hector Uribe

» Bill Burton

Commissioner of Agriculture
» Richard "Kinky" Friedman

» Hank Gilbert

Railroad Commissioner
» Jeff Weems

Justice, Supreme Court, Place 3
» Jim Sharp

Justice, Supreme Court, Place 5
» Bill Moody

Justice, Supreme Court, Place 9
» Blake Bailey

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 6
» Keith Hampton

Justice, 5th Court of Appeals District, Place 4
» Bonnie Lee Goldstein

Justice, 5th Court of Appeals District, Place 12 - Unexpired Term
» Lawrence J. Praeger

Criminal District Attorney
» Rafael De La Garza II

County Judge
» David M. Smith

Judge, County Court at Law Number 3
» Sajeel S. Khaleel

County Commissioner, Precinct 2
» Rick Koster

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 Place 2
» Rey V. Flores

County Chair
» Shawn Stevens

» Yasin R. Ali

Precinct Chair, Precinct 120
» A. K. Khan

» Diane Bolak