People in those Teapublican districts now agree with the Tea Party by far slimmer margins than they did in 2010 -- just 27 percent to 22 percent.
A year ago, in the wake of the sweeping GOP gains in the midterm elections, the balance of opinion was just the opposite: 27% agreed and 22% disagreed with the Tea Party. At both points, more than half offered no opinion.
Throughout the 2010 election cycle, agreement with the Tea Party far outweighed disagreement in the 60 House districts represented by members of the Congressional Tea Party Caucus. But as is the case nationwide, support has now decreased significantly over the past year; now about as many people living in Tea Party districts disagree (23%) as agree (25%) with the Tea Party.
GOP Loses Favorability Advantage in Tea Party Districts
The Republican Party’s image also has declined substantially among people who live in Tea Party districts.
Currently, 41% say they have a favorable opinion of the GOP, while 48% say they have an unfavorable view.
As recently as March of this year, GOP favorability was 14 points higher (55%) in these districts, with just 39% offering an unfavorable opinion
Among the public, 36% now say they have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, down from 42% in March.
By comparison, opinions of the Democratic Party have shifted less – from 50% favorable last summer to 48% in March and 46% in October.
The party’s image has remained in negative territory among those living in Tea Party districts throughout this period– currently about four-in-ten (39%) say they have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, while 50% offer an unfavorable view.
But the steep decline in GOP favorability in Tea Party districts means that these constituencies now view the Republican Party about as negatively as the Democratic Party.
As recently as March, GOP favorability exceeded Democratic Party favorability by 15 points (55% vs. 40%). Today, both parties receive about the same rating from people in Tea Party districts (41% favorable for the GOP, 39% for the Democratic Party).
Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
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