Monday, November 23, 2009

Schieffer Drops Out And White (Maybe) Switches To Govenors Race

Two Democratic candidates have been in the running for Kay Bailey Hutchison's U.S. Senate seat -- when, and if, she ever resigns her U.S. Senate seat to run for governor -- during most of 2009. Those Democrats are Houston Mayor Bill White, pictured left, and former State Comptroller John Sharp, pictured right.

Hank Gilbert

Mark Thompson

Tom Schieffer
Democrats previously lined up for the 2010 Governor's race included Hank Gilbert, right, Mark Thompson, middle right, Tom Schieffer, bottom right. Former Independent, Kinky Friedman, has also announced plans to have his name added to the Governor's position on the Democratic primary ballot.

Democratic candidates for the Senate and Governor races are quickly lining up differently after news broke a week ago that Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison had flip-flopped on her promise to resign from the U.S. Senate to focus on her gubernatorial campaign against Gov. Rick Perry.

Hutchison officially announced last Sunday that she won't resign her U.S. Senate seat until after the March 2010 Republican primary election. Hutchison's announcement strongly implies she will not resign from the U.S. Senate if Perry defeats her in the March primary.

Hutchison backed away from her commitment to resign from the Senate after a new Rasmussen poll of Texas GOP Primary voters showed Perry with 46% while Hutchison trails with only 35% of the Republican primary vote.

So, today, the Texas Tribune reports that the Tom Schieffer is dropping out of the race. A bit later in the day the Houston Chronicle breaks a story that Houston Mayor Bill White is going to switch races and make a run for the Governer's office rather that wait for a now very uncertain chance to run for KBH's Senate seat.

In remarks last June to an audience of Collin and Denton county Democrats, Mayor White made the point that, "TX needs leadership that is more interested in seeing the state succeed, rather than scoring partisan points and constantly looking for wedge issues - leadership who is more interested in the educating Texas children than in seceding from the union."

Here's a statement from Bill White, posted Monday Nov. 23rd on his campaign website:
"Since Friday a week ago Texans from all backgrounds and all regions have asked me to consider running to be our next Governor of Texas. Today I agree to consider running for Governor, and shall make a decision by Friday, December 4th.

Before then I invite the citizens of Texas to weigh in on this decision by visiting this page and emailing me at"
Mark Thompson dropped out of the Texas governors race in early November and endorsed Hank Gilbert.

Last week Houston hair care magnate Farouk Shami (picture right) also announced for the Texas governors race. Shami has stated he will spend $10 million of his own money before the March 2 primary, plus he has hired veteran Democratic political consultants. Shami is on record saying he is a "Democrat all the way to the bone."

Fort Worth teacher Felix Alvarado has also announced for the Texas Democratic primary governors race.

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