Sunday, November 1, 2015

Memo To Democrats: It's Still The Economy Stupid!

"The economy, stupid" is the reminder message Bill Clinton's campaign strategist James Carville coined for his successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting president George H. W. Bush. Carville's original phrase was meant for the internal audience of Clinton's campaign workers as one of the three messages to focus on, the other two messages being "Change vs. more of the same" and "Don't forget health care."

Most Democrats are on track to tell American voters President Obama returned the American economy to health, as the reason to vote Democrats into office in 2016.

Many American voters don't feel better off after seven years of a Democrat in the White House. Many may not only reject the "Obama made the economy better" campaign message, they may blame him for their feeling of economic insecurity.

NYTimes: Amid the global economic turmoil and seesawing markets, millions of Americans have one overriding question: When will my pay increase arrive? The nation’s unemployment rate has fallen substantially since the end of the Great Recession, sliding to 5.1 percent from 10 percent in 2009, but wages haven’t accelerated upward, as many had expected.

In fact, the labor market is a lot softer than a 5.1 percent jobless rate would indicate. For one thing, the percentage of Americans who are working has fallen considerably since the recession began. This disappearance of several million workers — as labor force dropouts they are not factored into the jobless rate — has meant continued labor market weakness, which goes far to explain why wage increases remain so elusive. End of story, many economists say.
Read the full story at the NYTimes:

Monday, October 19, 2015

2015 Texas Constitutional Amendments

Resolutions proposing changes to the state constitution must be approved by at least two-thirds of the members of both the Texas House and the Texas Senate. Texas voters then have the opportunity to approve the amendments with a majority vote. The following identifies proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution to appear on the November 3 ballot. This article on constitutional amendment resolutions approved by the 84th Texas Legislature was originally published when the 84th Legislature adjourned on June 1, 2015, and was updated on June 17, 2015 when the Texas Secretary of State published the proposition order for the constitutional amendment ballot:

Voter Registration and I.D. Requirements

by Michael Handley

CLICK HERE To go to information on the December 2015 renewal mailing of 2016-17 Voter Registration Certificates, and to stay current on the status of Texas' voter photo ID law in the federal courts.

VOTER REGISTRATION 2014-15 -- You MUST be registered to vote in the county in which you currently reside, and have a currently dated government issued photo I.D., to vote in any Texas election. You must be registered, or have mailed your registration application to be postmarked, no later than midnight of  the thirtieth day before the election date. And you must present I.D. at the polling place to vote in person.
NOTE: On Wednesday, August 5, 2015, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans unanimously agreed with U.S. Southern District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos' October 2014 finding that Texas’ SB14 photo voter ID law has a discriminatory effect on black and Latino voters, and therefore violates section 2 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The Fifth Circuit did not throw out the SB14 law entirely.

The three-judge appellate court panel remanded the case back to Judge Ramos with an order to fashion a specific legal remedy that recognizes legislators' declared interest to preventing voter fraud in passing the SB14 law. The voter ID law remains in effect, as of October 19, 2015, pending action by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Required voter I.D. is listed below.
Every registered Texas voter should have received their new 2014-15 orange Voter Registration Card (VRC), mailed during the first part of January 2014, or within thirty days after you submitted your registration application. If you asked to register to vote while updating your driver's license with the Texas DPS, and you never received a VRC, your registration application may not have been processed.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blog Talking The Democratic Presidential Debate

We invite you to Blog Talk the first Democratic Primary Debate with us Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 9:30pm CT.

We will be LIVE with BlogTalkUSA Eyes Wide Open Post Debate Roundtable discussion immediately following the first Democratic Presidential Primary Debate and we want YOU to join us!

Call (347) 855-8118 to listen LIVE, share your opinions, or join the discussion!

(We will delay our regular Tuesday "Eyes Wide Open" BlogTalkUSA radio program to start at the conclusion of the debate.)

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