Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Action Americans Need

Washington Post
By Barack Obama
Thursday, February 5, 2009

By now, it's clear to everyone that we have inherited an economic crisis as deep and dire as any since the days of the Great Depression. Millions of jobs that Americans relied on just a year ago are gone; millions more of the nest eggs families worked so hard to build have vanished. People everywhere are worried about what tomorrow will bring.

What Americans expect from Washington is action that matches the urgency they feel in their daily lives -- action that's swift, bold and wise enough for us to climb out of this crisis. . .

. . .In recent days, there have been misguided criticisms of this plan that echo the failed theories that helped lead us into this crisis -- the notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems; that we can meet our enormous tests with half-steps and piecemeal measures; that we can ignore fundamental challenges such as energy independence and the high cost of health care and still expect our economy and our country to thrive.

I reject these theories, and so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change. . .

. . .So we have a choice to make. We can once again let Washington's bad habits stand in the way of progress. Or we can pull together and say that in America, our destiny isn't written for us but by us. . .

The writer is president of the United States.

Read President Obama's full editorial in The Washington Post
The President's Weekly Address
From CNNMoney:
In a sign that job loss is felt in every corner of the nation, unemployment rates rose in 98% of metropolitan areas across the country in December, according to a recent government report. The Labor Department reported that the unemployment rates in 363 of 369 metropolitan areas rose in December 2008, compared to the same month in the prior year. In November, 364 of 369 areas reported higher unemployment rates. According to the report, 168 areas reported jobless rates of at least 7%, compared to just 33 a year ago, and 40 areas reported rates that were higher than 10%.

Call both both Texas’ senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) and John Cornyn (R) and tell them you do not agree with their stand to filibuster (vote no on the cloture motion to end debate and allow a floor vote) President Obama's economic recovery plan!

Senate Democrats Don't Have Votes for Stimulus Package

Washington Post: "Senate Democratic leaders conceded yesterday that they do not have the votes to pass the stimulus bill. . . "

Meaning that 41 Republican Senators have merely said they would vote against any cloture motion to end debate and allow a floor vote on Obama's stimulus bill.

The way that Senate rules work is that a mere threat of a no vote on any cloture vote motion by 41 Senators amounts to a stealth filibuster. Democrats in the Senate do not seem ready to make Republicans actually stand on the Senate floor and publicly filibuster in front of the Senate cameras.

Neither do Democrats seem ready to threaten the "nuclear option," to eliminate filibustering from Senate rules, as Republicans did against Democrats when the G.O.P controlled the Senate.

So far the new era of bipartisanship in Washington is more uni-lateral that bi-lateral. Obama's stimulus package passed the in the U.S. House, but with zero Republican votes. Obama, who had hoped for a widely supported bill, got stonewalled despite doing three things for Republicans:
  1. fashion roughly 1/3 of the package out of tax cuts, which the GOP loves;
  2. went to the House Republican caucus and asking for their input; and
  3. pulled provisions from the bill that Republicans didn't like
Obama kindly offered Republicans a bipartisan olive branch and extended them a place at the table of ideas. House Republicans acknowledged President Obama's olive branch and thanked him, then trash talked Democrats and voted in mass against the bill anyway. Forty-one Republican Senators have now effectively filibustered Obama's stimulus package too.

Attempts at bipartisanship may be futile. As Paul Krugman says on his blog,
"If one thing is clear from the stimulus debate, it’s that the two parties have utterly different economic doctrines. Democrats believe in something more or less like standard textbook macroeconomics; Republicans believe in a doctrine under which tax cuts are the universal elixir, and government spending is almost always bad. Obama may be able to get a few Republican Senators to go along with his plan; or he can get a lot of Republican votes by, in effect, becoming a Republican. There is no middle ground."
Republican obstructionism on President Obama's proposed stimulus spending seems less than a principled stand, considering a G.O.P congress was complicit not just in reckless and massive deficit spending by the Bush Administration, but also the creation and collapse of the mortgage bubble that now imperils the nation. We should not forget that a Republican controlled congress was in full partnership with President Bush as he presided over the biggest annual growth rates in discretionary spending in the last 45 years. Now Republicans call themselves "fiscal watchdogs" as they oppose President Obama's stimulus bill - PLEASE, are they serious!

The story of how the mortgage bubble caused a near collapse of the American financial system and was the catalyst for the end of a period of sustained global economic growth is at once insanely complex and, by now, almost too familiar. We now know that dereliction of duty ran rampant in the Bush Administration and the Republican controlled congress as they stubbornly and naively adhered to their conservative ideology of tax cutting and "unfettered free market" deregulation. The failures are owned by every conservative in Congress who championed and rubber-stamped conservative deregulation and the conservative philosophy of governing. Repeat: It was a Republican president with the aid of a Republican Congress implementing Republican policies that got us into this economic mess. The truly compelling story of this decade is one that conservatives want to ignore and forget – the rapid and dramatic failure of conservative government.

Yet, even in their reduced numbers in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House they continue to demand that the nation must follow their conservative ideals of government. They reject President Roosevelt's Obama's approach to economic recovery through stimulative government spending and support only tax cuts, as they have since Hoover Reagan was President. The conservative approach to government has failed the nation and it's time to move on - as the citizens of America mandated on November, 4, 2008!
From Talking Points Memo:

Behind all the back and forth over the Stimulus Bill is a simple fact: the debate in Washington is rapidly moving away from any recognition that the US economy -- and the global economy, for that matter -- is in free-fall. The range of outcomes stretches from severe recession to something closer to a replay of the Great Depression, though that label is perhaps better seen as a placeholder for 'catastrophic economic collapse' since the underlying place of the US economy in the world economy is very different from what it was in 1929. This reality was palpable in the political debate until as recently as a few weeks ago. But Republicans are using a strategy of conscious denial to push it off the stage.

Take stock of the last few weeks and you can almost visualize the two conversations -- path toward economic calamity and debate over Stimulus Bill -- diverging.

The other key into the current debate is that the Republican position is ominously similar to their position on global warming or, for that matter, evolution. The discussion of what to do on the Democratic side tracks more or less with textbook macroeconomics, while Republican argument track either with tax cut monomania or rhetorical claptrap intended to confuse. It's true that macro-economics doesn't make controlled experiments possible. And economists can't speak to these issues with certainty. But in most areas of our lives, when faced with dire potential consequences, we put our stock with scientific or professional consensus where it exists, as it does here. Only in cases where it goes against Republican political interests or economic interests of money-backers do we prefer the schemes of yahoos and cranks to people who study the stuff for a living.

Of course, at some level, why would Republicans be trying to drive the country off a cliff? Well, not pretty to say, but they see it in their political interests. Yes, the DeMints and Coburns just don't believe in government at all or have genuinely held if crankish economic views. But a successful Stimulus Bill would be devastating politically for the Republican party. And they know it. If the GOP successfully bottles this up or kills it with a death of a thousand cuts, Democrats will have a good argument amongst themselves that Republicans were responsible for creating the carnage that followed. But the satisfaction will have to be amongst themselves since as a political matter it will be irrelevant. The public will be entirely within its rights to blame Democrats for any failure of government action that happened while Democrats held the White House and sizable majorities in both houses of Congress.

--Josh Marshall
Should the Democrats Change the Senate Filibuster Rule to make it more difficult for Republicans to stall Senate business in the 111th congress as they did in the 110th congress?

Related Links and Postings:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Texas Senate Expected To Take Up Voter ID Bill Early

The Texas Senate on Wednesday, 14 January 2009, voted 18-13, along party lines, to exempt voter identification legislation from the longstanding “Two-Thirds” Rule. The two-thirds rule requires that 21 senators must support a measure before it can be brought to the floor for debate and a vote. The vote was to exempt any bill brought forward in the Texas Senate that would require voters to show a government-issued photo ID at the polls before being allowed to vote.

Under the change, voter ID legislation can be brought up for a vote on the Senate floor with the approval of only 16 senators, not the 21 required under the customary two-thirds rule. Democrats could have blocked voter ID legislation under the usual two-thirds rule — as they did two years ago. Debate over voter photo ID in 2007 paralyzed the State Senate for weeks before the bill was rejected.

State Sen. Troy Fraiser (R-Horseshoe Bay) has already filed a Voter ID bill that the Senate is likely to take up early in this legislative session. Governor Perry (R) has also declared voter ID legislation is one of his priorities for this session in his State of the State address.

The Texas Democratic Party today (04Feb09) sent out an email encouraging folks across the state to call their state Senator and let their voices be heard on Voter ID. Democrats might as well start calling their representatives in the Texas House too, as the bill will most likely pass in the Senate. If the bill passes in the Senate, as it likely will, the Texas House is the only place that Democrats might be able mount a successful fight to block the measure. But, it will be a tough fight!

With the Texas House made up of 74 Democrats and 76 Republicans, after the 2008 election, the Voter ID bill will face a tougher fight in the Texas House this year than it did in 2007 when it passed. Republican Joe Straus will likely allow the voter ID bill to go the House floor for debate and an eventual vote given his comment to reporters on Friday, 16 January 2009, that he favors Voter Photo Identification:
Straus, who voted for the Voter ID bill in 2007, stated he thinks another examination of whether photo IDs are needed to combat voter fraud is appropriate. He said he does not yet know whether there are sufficient votes in the House to pass a bill.

The Voter ID bill, introduced in the House during the 2007 legislative session, (HB 218) passed by a vote of 76 to 69 when the House was made up of 69 Democrats and 81 Republicans. Two Republicans, who returned for the 81st legislative session, voted against HR 218 in 2007. The voter ID bill introduced in the Senate during the 2007 legislative session was successfully blocked from advancing in the Senate by Senate Democrats.
Straus, who is consider to be a somewhat more moderate conservative, took over the Speaker's Chair from hard right-winger Tom Craddick for the 2009 legislative session with the support of of every Democrat in the Texas House.

Locate your Collin County legislative district representatives in the House and Senate District here. Your Texas Legislative House and Senate District Numbers can be found on your Voter Registration Card. Check your voter registration card information online here.

Any claim that voter fraud is rampant in Texas is false.

Organizing for America's First Call To Action

Updated Wednesday February 4, 2009 at 9:00 AM CST

President Obama was interviewed by the five major television news outlets in a broad effort to sell his stimulus package to the American public. The president discussed his stimulus package and other issues in the Oval Office with ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX News on Tuesday afternoon. The interviews come amid a media blitz by the GOP to talk down his stimulus package as a "spending bill." As documented by Think Progress, Republican lawmakers are appearing twice as many times as their Democratic colleagues on cable news programs to lobby against Obama's stimulus plan, which has skewed the stimulus debate. President Obama is also asking people through 'Organizing for America' to host or attend a Economic Recovery House Meeting the weekend of Friday, February 6th.
Last month, conservatives jumped on a Congressional Budget Report (CBO) “analysis” that said, “it will take years before an infrastructure spending program will boost the economy.” It turns out that “analysis” was not actually a comprehensive analysis of Obama’s plan. The CBO’s comprehensive report on Obama's plan, that Republicans as a whole are working very hard to ignore, says 78% of the Stimulus Bill will fuel the economy over two years.

Obama's $819 billion stimulus plan could create as many as 286,000 jobs in Texas, according to an estimate released Tuesday by the White House. The legislation could help cushion Texas against expected job losses over the next two years, according to economists. Texas created 153,600 jobs in 2008, but State Comptroller Susan Combs said recently the state can expect to lose about 111,000 nonfarm jobs during the first nine months of 2009.

According to an article in the Dallas Morning News, Bernard L. Weinstein, director of the Center for Economic Development and Research at the University of North Texas said, "[Comptroller Combs] was probably being optimistic. It appears the 286,000 jobs might just offset the anticipated losses over the next two years."

The two Congressmen in the U.S. House that represent Collin County Residents, Sam Johnson (R) and Ralph Hall (R) both voted against Obama's stimulus plan last week. Both Texas’ senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) and John Cornyn (R) have also voiced their staunch opposition to Obama's $819 billion stimulus plan. “I read the bill in vain for any real stimulus in the economy,” Cornyn told the Dallas Morning News. Senator Hutchison told the Plano Chamber of Commerce that she could not support President Barack Obama's proposed $825 billion non-stimulus package at a Jan. 23rd luncheon meeting. Both Texas’ senators are positioned to filibuster Obama's economic stimulus package.

President Obama has more in his communication tool kit than just scheduling interviews with the the five major television news outlets.

On January 15th Barack Obama announced the formation of a new group known as Organizing for America as the "Obama 2.0" legacy successor to his campaign organization.

"As President, I will need the help of all Americans to meet the challenges that lie ahead," Obama said in a video message, "That's why I'm asking people like you who fought for change during the campaign to continue fighting for change in your communities."

Organizing for America, which is now housed within the Democratic National Committee, has sent its first call to action emails asking people to support the president's recovery package. Organizing for American has roughly 13 million e-mail addresses and two million active volunteers who were asked in the call to action emails to host or attend a house party to organize support for the White House-backed economic recovery package. Those who volunteer to host a house party will likely be sent a plan for action to discuss with those who attend the parties.

Two emails have been sent so far; One over Organizing for America Director Mitch Stewart's name and one over President Obama's name asking people to host or attend a Economic Recovery House Meeting the weekend of Friday, February 6th.

In his weekly address video, President Obama urged the swift passage of his Recovery Plan.

From Organizing for America Director Mitch Stewart:


Last year, America lost 2.6 million jobs. This week, some of our biggest companies announced plans to cut tens of thousands more.

The economic crisis is deepening, but President Obama and members of Congress have proposed a recovery plan that will put more than 3 million Americans back to work.

You can learn more about how the plan will help your community by organizing an Economic Recovery House Meeting.

Join thousands of people across the country who are coming together to watch a special video about the recovery plan. Invite your friends and neighbors to watch the video with you and have a conversation about your community's economic situation.

The economic crisis can seem overwhelming and complex, but you can help the people you know connect the recovery plan to their lives and learn more about why it's so important.

Sign up to host an Economic Recovery House Meeting the weekend of Friday, February 6th.

The President's plan passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday. But if it's going to move forward, we need to avoid the usual partisan games.

That's why supporters are opening their homes to talk with neighbors and friends about how the plan will work -- and what it means for their community.

The video will outline the basics of the plan and how it will impact working families. It will also include answers to questions from folks across the country. Invite your friends and family to watch the video, discuss the plan, and help build support for it.

Don't worry if you've never hosted a house meeting before -- we'll make sure you have everything you need to make it a success.

Take the first step right now by signing up to host an Economic Recovery House Meeting:

Time and again, you've demonstrated your commitment to change. Now you can help America move in an important new direction.

Please forward this email to your friends and family, and encourage them to get involved as well.

Thank you for your hard work,


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

From President Barack Obama:
The economic crisis is growing more serious every day, and the time for action has come.

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which will jumpstart our economy and put more than 3 million people back to work.

I hope to sign the recovery plan into law in the next few weeks. But I need your help to spread the word and build support.

It's not enough for this bill to simply pass Congress. Americans need to know how it will affect their lives -- they need to know that help is on the way and that this administration is investing in economic growth and stability.

Governor Tim Kaine has agreed to record a video outlining the recovery plan and answering questions about what it means for your community. You can submit your questions online and then invite your friends, family, and neighbors to watch the video with you at an Economic Recovery House Meeting.

Join thousands of people across the country by hosting or attending an Economic Recovery House Meeting this weekend.

The stakes are too high to allow partisan politics to get in the way.

That's why I've consulted with Republicans as well as Democrats to put together a plan that will address the crisis we face.

I've also taken steps to ensure an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability. Once it's passed, you will be able to see how every penny in this plan is being spent.

You can help restore confidence in our economy by making sure your friends, family, and neighbors understand how the recovery plan will impact your community.

Sign up to host or attend an Economic Recovery House Meeting and submit your question for the video now:

Our ability to come together as a nation in difficult times has never been more important.

I know I can rely on your spirit and resolve as we lead our country to recovery.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that President Obama’s recovery package, priced at roughly $819 billion, is too expensive and GOP Senators believe that they have a “very robust” alternative “American Option: A Jobs Plan That Works.” stimulus plan at a cheaper price.

The Senate GOP’s alternative “plan” will cost $3.1 trillion over ten years, more than 3.5 times the cost of Obama’s, according to a Think Progress Wonk Room analysis.

Not surprisingly, the Senate GOP’s alternative plan consists of permanent tax breaks for corporations and for the wealthy.