Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama Meets With Longtime Republican T. Boone Pickens

Senator Barack Obama met Sunday with Texas oil baron and longtime Republican T. Boone Pickens to discuss strategies for developing alternative energy. Obama said, "One of the things I think we have to unify the country around is having an intelligent energy policy."

Pickens has become critic of U.S. dependence on imported oil and is now promoting wind farms and other alternative energy programs. Pickens has vowed to spend $58 million to promote the "Pickens Plan," which calls for the U.S. to generate 22 percent of its electricity through wind and other alternative energy sources.

T. Boone Pickens may be an old Republican, he is sounding awfully like a younger generation Democrat these days. Watch T. Boone's TV ad:

There are a myriad of 21st century alternative energy technologies that stand poised to revolutionize how Americans, and the rest of the world, generate and use energy. Technology savvy Democratic candidates such as Tom Daley, Democratic candidate for the U.S. 3rd Texas Congressional District, age 44, and Glenn Melançon Democratic candidate for the U.S. 4th Texas Congressional District, age 42, do understand the dramatic revolution to American industry, white and blue collar job availability and personal life style that 21st century clean alternative energy technologies can bring to a 21st century America.

Both Daley and Melançon, candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, whose districts meet in Collin County, stand with state-wide candidates U.S. Senate Democratic Candidate for Texas, Rick Noriega, and the Democratic Presidential candidate, Barack Obama, for the deployment of clean alternative energy technologies for a better America and a better Texas.

Should the technology awarenens of today's Presidential, Senatorial and Congressional candidates have any bearing at all on the candidate's credentials as voters decide which candidate they should elect on November 4, 2008? Here are a few considerations given in an article that discusses John McCain's lack knowledge on the 21st century technology issues. Excerpts from a New York Times article titled, "McCain, the Analog Candidate."

"“We’re not asking for a president to answer his own e-mail,” said Paul Saffo, a Silicon Valley futurist who teaches at Stanford. “We’re asking for a president who understands the context of what e-mail [and blog] means.”

The [candidate's] “user experience,” Mr. Saffo said, brings with it an implicit understanding of how the country lives, and where it might be heading. As Mr. McCain would lack this, he would also be deficient in this broader appreciation for how technology affects lives [and the American economy.]

Computers have become something of a cultural marker — in politics and in the real world. Proficiency with them suggests a basic familiarity with the day-to-day experience of most Americans [and American businesses] — just as ignorance to them can suggest someone is “out of touch,” or “old.”

“There’s a certain tempo to the thinking of someone who [understands and] uses all kinds of new [technology] media,” said Mr. Saffo, who said he would anoint Mr. Obama, if elected, “the first cybergenic president,” just as John F. Kennedy was considered the first telegenic president."

Republican incumbent for the U.S. 3rd Texas Congressional District, Sam Johnson, age 78, Republican incumbent for the U.S. 4th Texas Congressional District, Ralph Hall, age 85, Republican incumbent Senator John Cornyn and Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain, age 72, all downplay the impact that 21st century alternative energy technologies can bring to American and Texas.

Do the Republicans advocate drilling more oil well holes as their exclusive U.S. energy policy because drilling holes in the ground is the most advanced technology they understand? Or, is it something else?
Multiple oil company executives did give huge contributions to Senator McCain's campaign just days after his offshore drilling change of heart. (Until very recently Senator McCain was against offshore drilling.)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wal-Mart Warns Store Mgrs of Democratic Win

The Wall Street Journal reported on August 1st 2008 that Wal-Mart is mobilizing its store managers and department supervisors around the country to warn them about a possible sweep of Democrats into office this November. Wal-Mart management is concerned that if Democrats win even more seats in the U.S. of Representatives and gain more seats in the U.S. Senate, perhaps up to the 60 Senator threshold required to nullify threats of Republican filibusters, the party will pass the "Employee Free Choice Act," which would make it easier for workers to unionize by signing a card rather than holding a vote. Read more the Wall Street Journal.

Several labor organizations today petitioned the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by letter to investigate Wal-Mart's alleged illegal political activism following reports the company has a program to urge employees to vote against Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The labor organizations petitioning the FEC by letter includes American Rights At Work, the AFL-CIO, Change to Win and A petition signed by 60,000 people was also concurrently delivered to the FEC.

The letter and petition charge that Wal-Mart made "FEC prohibited corporate expenditures by expressly advocating against Senator Obama's election" to hourly employees.

73rd Anniversary of the Social Security Act

On the 73rd anniversary of President Roosevelt's signing of the Social Security act, the grandson of the president in cooperation with DNC released a video to remind Americans about the importance of that watershed act.

"It's hard to remember now, but before Social Security, nearly half of America's seniors lived in poverty," James Roosevelt Jr., whose grandfather was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, says in a video released by the Democratic National Committee. "After a lifetime of playing by the rules and working hard, there was no guarantee of a secure retirement. My grandfather, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and a majority of Americans thought that was wrong. They believed that lifting our seniors out of poverty is a reflection of our nation's core values."

James Roosevelt Jr.

Gitmo On The Platte Set As Holding Cell For DNC

The Colorado Independent - Barbed wire, stun-gun use mark DNC warehouse jail:
Denver officials weren't planning to reveal details about where activists would be detained in the event of mass arrests during the Democratic National Convention until after the event had started, but those plans were quickly dashed this week when CBS 4News reporter Rick Sallinger not only revealed that protesters would be locked up in a city-owned warehouse, but he also obtained clear video footage inside the facility, a building that includes barbed wire-topped cages and signs warning of stun-gun use. Read the full article

CBS4 DENVER ― Gitmo On The Platte Set As Holding Cell For DNC:
CBS4 News has learned if mass arrests happen at the Democratic Convention, those taken into custody will be jailed in a warehouse owned by the City of Denver. Investigator Rick Sallinger discovered the location and managed to get inside for a look.

The newly created lockup is on the northeast side of Denver. Protesters have already given this place a name: "Gitmo on the Platte." Inside are dozens are metal cages. They are made out of chain link fence material and topped by rolls of barbed wire.

"This is a secured environment," Capt. Frank Gale of the Denver Sheriff's Department told CBS4. "We're concerned about how that's going to be utilized by people who will be potentially disruptive." In past conventions, mass arrests have taken place. With Denver's jails already overflowing, new space had to be created and officers trained.

Each of the fenced areas is about 5 yards by 5 yards and there is a lock on the door. A sign on the wall reads "Warning! Electric stun devices used in this facility."

On Wednesday afternoon Mayor John Hickenlooper's office sent a news release to CBS4 and other media explaining the purpose of the holding facility. It says there will be a community outreach program this week to explain the facility's function. Read the full article

Senator Clinton’s Name Will Be Put in Nomination

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s name will be placed into nomination for the traditional state-by-state delegate roll call at the Democratic National Convention. The decision to put Senator Clinton's name up for the roll call tally was announced on Thursday afternoon in a joint statement from the senators.

“I am convinced that honoring Senator Clinton’s historic campaign in this way will help us celebrate this defining moment in our history and bring the party together in a strong united fashion,” Senator Barack Obama said in a statement.

“With every voice heard and the Party strongly united, we will elect Senator Obama President of the United States and put our nation on the path to peace and prosperity once again,” Mrs. Clinton said in a statement.

U.S. Troops Deployed Abroad Give 6:1 to Obama

Senator John McCain constantly claims that he speaks for the interests of U.S. troops and is the only candidate that represents the beliefs held by all U.S. military personnel.

The facts actually show that U.S. military personnel are increasingly rejecting McCain as their spokesman, in direct opposition the claims made by McCain and his presidential campaign spokespersons. U.S. military personnel are increasingly supporting Senator Obama and his positions on U.S. security and military issues through their campaign contributions. Obama has received nearly six times as much money from soldiers deployed overseas according a new report by Open Secrets:

Despite McCain's status as a decorated veteran and a historically Republican bent among the military, members of the armed services overall -- whether stationed overseas or at home -- are also favoring Obama with their campaign contributions in 2008, by a $55,000 margin. Although 59 percent of federal contributions by military personnel has gone to Republicans this cycle, of money from the military to the presumed presidential nominees, 57 percent has gone to Obama.

"That's shocking. The academic debate is between some who say that junior enlisted ranks lean slightly Republican and some who say it's about equal, but no one would point to six-to-one" in Democrats' favor, said Aaron Belkin, a professor of political science at the University of California who studies the military. "That represents a tremendous shift from 2000, when the military vote almost certainly was decisive in Florida and elsewhere, and leaned heavily towards the Republicans."

In 2000, Republican George W. Bush outraised Democrat Al Gore among military personnel almost 2 to 1. In 2004, with the Iraq war underway, John Kerry closed the gap with President Bush, but Bush still raised $1.50 from the military for every $1 his Democratic opponent collected.

Contributions from U.S. Troops Deployed Abroad
Recipient Total Number
Obama, Barack $60,642 134
McCain, John $10,665 26
Contributions from All Military Personnel
Recipient Total Number
Obama, Barack $335,536 859
McCain, John $280,513 558
Based on contributions made through June 31, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mark Warner To Deliver Convention Keynote Address On Tuesday, Aug. 26th

The Obama campaign today announced that Mark Warner, Virginia's former governor and its Democratic candidate for the Senate, will deliver the convention keynote address on Tuesday, Aug. 26th. Original Blog Post

CHICAGO - The Obama for America campaign announced today that former Virginia Governor Mark Warner will deliver the keynote address at the 2008 Democratic Convention on Tuesday, August 26th, the second night of the Convention.

An innovative businessman known for his ability to work with Republicans, Democrats and Independents, campaign officials said that Warner's vision for Virginia and his leadership style echoed the Convention's theme of Americans coming together for change.

"Barack Obama believes you can't have a strong economy when you have a weak middle class," said Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe. "Millions of Americans are struggling to get by, forced to make impossible choices about their future and the future of their families. Tuesday's Convention program will feature the voices of Americans who share Obama's concerns and strongly support his detailed economic plan to grow the economy, create jobs, restore fairness, and expand opportunity. As Governor of Virginia, Warner used his experience in business to help deliver jobs and hope to the citizens of Virginia. His work creating jobs in Southwest and Southside Virginia is a model for the rest of the Country. Like Barack Obama, Mark Warner is not afraid to challenge the status quo to bring people together and get things moving. It's that kind of spirit and innovation that resulted in his selection as keynote speaker on a night when we will be discussing how to renew America's promise."

Warner, a candidate for the United States Senate in Virginia, will speak on Tuesday night of the Democratic Convention. The theme of Tuesday's night program at the Convention is Renewing America's Promise.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our Civic Duty to Vote and Help Get Out The Vote

A crucial election day is only months away. At stake are vital political, economic and moral issues of concern to Texans and all Americans.

During the next four years important decisions will be made about the direction and responsibilities of our government. Legislation on significant issues such as the economy, health care, energy, and the environment are just a few of the critical issue that are likely to be considered by the next Congress and Administration. Other top issues will likely include education, national security, foreign policy, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In addition, possibly up to three Supreme Court Justices, who will make crucial decisions affecting our lives, will be appointed to the bench during the terms of the next President and Senate. With the stakes so high, we all must work hard to extend the trend toward increasing Democratic voter turnout in Collin County during the early voting period of 10/20-10/31 and on election day November 4th.

As citizens of Texas and America we have an obligation to not just cast our ballot on election day, but to also fully participate in the election process. We must ensure that our country's policies at the local, state and national levels protect the genuine security needs of American families as well as ensure America's continued tradition of justice and equal protection under the rule of law for every American.

Every vote will count this fall toward setting our government's agenda for the benefit of ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. It is our civic duty to promptly register to vote, educate ourselves about the critical issues and each candidate's position on the issues and then vote! More than that - it is our civic responsibility to help inform our fellow citizens on the issues and candidates and to urge our fellow citizens to also go vote!

From now until election day November 4th your Democratic friends and neighbors will be in your neighborhood to Get Out The Vote. This activity is commonly referred to as GOTV. It is through this GOTV effort that your Democratic friends and neighbors are volunteering their time to register new voters and to educate their fellow citizens on the issues and candidates. During Early Voting and again on Election Day these civic volunteers will also help the elderly, handicapped or anyone without transportation travel to their respective polling place to cast their ballot.

As described on the GOTV page of the Texas Democratic Women of Collin County's website, there are three types GOTV activities that volunteers can help accomplish between now and election day:

Voter Registration
Voter registration volunteers meet at a location such as a grocery store or community event and register people to vote. It is helpful if you are a Deputy Voter Registrar, but not mandatory. To find out more information about the quick and easy process of becoming a Deputy Voter Registrar in Collin County, please call the Collin County Elections Department at 972-547-1990.
Block Walking
Volunteers meet at a designated location. After a brief training, volunteers are sent out in groups of two or more to block walk (knock on pre-designated doors) in a neighborhood. Depending on where we are in the election cycle, block walkers speak to residents about our party/candidates, hand out literature, provide yard signs, remind people to vote, and/or ask voter ID questions. You do not need to be a veteran block walker to volunteer, just a passionate Democrat. We will provide you with the scripts, literature, information and training you need.
Phone Banking
Volunteers meet at a designated location to call voters. Depending on where we are in the election cycle, callers will remind people to vote and/or ask voter ID questions. Callers will not be asking for money. You do not need to be a veteran phone banker to volunteer, just a passionate Democrat. We will provide you with the scripts and training you need.
Many Democratic groups and organizations are already ramping up each of these GOTV activities today. Prominent among the Collin County neighborhood groups ramping up all of these GOTV activities are:
All of these campaign groups and political organizations need volunteers. We need to form a large army of Democratic volunteers in Collin County this year to help Get Out The Vote! Every Democrat in Collin County knows that in this election year we do not stand alone!!

We witnessed nearly 80,000 people cast a Democratic ballot in the March 4th primary election and more than 20,000 of our fellow Democrats returned for the Democratic Precinct Conventions all across Collin County after the polls closed on election day. Pick your favorite Democratic candidate or one of the political organizations and call to volunteer today -- I promise, you will not be standing alone this year!!

The Democratic Party of Collin County especially needs Election Clerks, Poll Greeters and Poll Watchers to work on Election Day, Nov 4th. If you can work all day or even just a few hours, please phone 972-578-1483 to volunteer!

But, remember, Democratic Senate and House candidates Rick Noriega, Tom Daley and Glenn Melançon need your support! Please contribute your much needed dollars as well as your volunteer time to these candidates. President Barack Obama will need all the help he can get in congress when he takes office January 20, 2009!! PLEASE, please help send Rick Noriega, Tom Daley and Glenn Melançon to Washington to help President Obama quickly turn our country onto the right road to a 21st century America!! (I have embeded videos of many of these Democratic Candidates around this blog, so please explore and watch all the videos.)

And, don't forget -- Other local Democratic Candidates will appear on Collin County Ballots for the 2008 General Election and they must have your support too!!! These local Democratic Candidates include:
Please go to their websites and contribute what money you can spare to help them get elected. Even a dollar or two will help, if that is all you can spare!

And, don't forget your friends and relatives who might be living abroad during this election season. You can help them Get Out The Vote too.

Contributing To The Democratic Party's 2008 Platform

About a dozen people showed up for the house of Obama's precinct captain for precinct 89 on Saturday July 26th as part of Obama's nationwide Democratic Platform "Listening to America" campaign. Thousands of Obama supporters across the U.S. sent out an open invitation for people to join together to talk about the Democratic Party's 2008 Platform.

On Sunday August 10th the Obama Campaign sent out the following email to participants of those "Listening to America" discussions:

Thank you for participating in a Platform for Change Meeting in your community and for submitting your report.

The Platform Drafting Committee met last weekend in Cleveland, Ohio.

We closely reviewed all 1,200 reports and the message was clear -- Americans are hungry for change on the economy, health care, energy, and the environment.

Other top issues include education, national security, foreign policy, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. . .

We also met with a number of platform meeting attendees to hear their personal stories about the need for a Platform for Change.

Your ideas and your language are being directly incorporated into the platform. And when the final draft is posted online after the convention, your Platform Meeting will be listed as a contributor.

Thanks to the commitment, passion, and energy of ordinary Americans like you, the Listening to America open platform was a resounding success.

Together, we are rewriting how priorities in Washington are set.

Thank you for everything you are doing,


Jeff Berman
National Delegate Director
Obama for America

Plano Balloon Fest 2008

Join Us For The Fascination Of Balloons
Gracefully Floating Across The Texas Sky
September 19, 20, 21, 2008.

The Democratic Party of Collin County needs volunteers to staff work shifts in the Party's information booth during the entire run of the Balloon Fest. To volunteer - phone the Democratic Party Of Collin County Office at 972-578-1483.

2008 Daily Schedule

  • Friday, September 19 - 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM
  • Saturday, September 20 - 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
  • Sunday September 21 - 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Be First To Know Obama's VP Pick

For anyone not already on the Obama campaign's email list - The following email was sent by the campaign Sunday evening.

Barack Obama is about to make one of the most important decisions of this campaign -- choosing a running mate.

You have helped build this movement from the bottom up, and Barack wants you to be the first to know his choice.

Sign up today to be the first to know:

You will receive an email the moment Barack makes his decision, or you can text VP to 62262 to receive a text message on your mobile phone.

Once you've signed up, please forward this email to your friends, family, and coworkers to let them know about this special opportunity.

No other campaign has done this before. You can be part of this important moment.

Be the first to know who Barack selects as his running mate.



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cornyn Approves Iraqi Gov. Sitting On America's Oil Money In The Bank

A new Government Accountability Office study reports (GAO report PDF) that the soaring price of crude oil will yield the Iraqi government a cumulative budget surplus of as much as $79 billion by the end of 2008. While paying $4 per gallon of gas for every fill up at the pump, American taxpayers have also spent a total of ### for the war in Iraq, and the meter is still running. That large sum includes the $42 billion American taxpayers have spent, so far, for the stabilization and reconstruction of Iraq. (That large sum does not in the cost of benefits the U.S. government will pay to military veterans over the next fifty or more years.) In contrast, the Iraqi government has spent less than $4 billion on the country's reconstruction while the government banks profits on its crude oil sales to America and the international markets.

During an appearance last Sunday on a CNN program with Wolf Blitzer, Texas Senator John Cornyn (R) said he believes it's a positive thing that American taxpayers are sending money to Iraq simultaneously out of two pockets while the Iraqi government banks its massive $79 billion oil profit surplus by not spending the money to rebuild its own country. The video of Senator Cornyn's appearance on CNN can be viewed at Think Progress.

Texas State Legislator Rick Noriega is the Democratic Candidate challenging incumbent John Cornyn for the U.S. Senate Seat for Texas.

A Reason To Vote Democratic in 2008 - Episode 2

Moving this video up near the top of the list again because it states so concisely why Americans should vote for every national and local Democratic Candidate on the ballot this fall!!!

Video Submission to Howard Dean's Democratic National Convention
"Why Am I A Democratic"
Video Contest:

Hillary Clinton Affirms Support For Barack Obama

In a call for party unity, Senator Hillary Clinton again affirmed her support for Barack Obama's presidential candidacy during a public appearance on Friday. Senator Hillary Clinton will headline the second night of the Democratic National Convention, the Obama campaign announced Sunday. The second day of the Convention, Tuesday, Aug. 26, is the 88th anniversary of the women's right to vote.

Associated Press News Video

Presidential Debates Set

PBS will host two of the four presidential debates with Jim Lehrer hosting the first debate and Gwen Ifill hosting the only Vice Presidential debate. NBC and CBS will host one debate each with Tom Brokaw hosting the NBC debate and Bob Schieffer hosting the CBS debate. ABC is noticeably left out the presidential debate line up this year.
  1. First Presidential Debate: – Date: September 26 – Site: University of Mississippi – Topic: Foreign Policy & National Security – Moderator: Jim Lehrer – Staging: Podium debate – Answer Format: The debate will be broken into nine, 9-minute segments. The moderator will introduce a topic and allow each candidate 2 minutes to comment. After these initial answers, the moderator will facilitate an open discussion of the topic for the remaining 5 minutes, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment.

  2. Vice Presidential Debate – Date: October 2nd – Site: Washington University (St. Louis) – Moderator: Gwen Ifill – Staging/Answer Format: To be resolved after both parties’ Vice Presidential nominees are selected.

  3. Second Presidential Debate – Date: October 7 – Site: Belmont University – Moderator: Tom Brokaw – Staging: Town Hall debate – Format: The moderator will call on members of the audience (and draw questions from the internet). Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to each question. Following those initial answers, the moderator will invite the candidates to respond to the previous answers, for a total of 1 minute, ensuring that both candidates receive an equal amount of time to comment. In the spirit of the Town Hall, all questions will come from the audience (or internet), and not the moderator.

  4. Third Presidential Debate – Date: October 15 – Site: Hofstra University – Topic: Domestic and Economic policy – Moderator: Bob Schieffer – Staging: Candidates will be seated at a table – Answer Format: Same as First Presidential Debate – Closing Statements: At the end of this debate (only) each candidate shall have the opportunity for a 90 second closing statement.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Texas Observer - Big Bland John - Cornyn

The Texas Observer has a new story on U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who is being challenged for re-election by Democrat Rick Noriega.

Democratic strategists in Texas have been telling anyone who will listen for the past year that they can defeat John Cornyn, the state’s junior U.S. senator, in November. This is big talk for a party that hasn’t won a statewide race since 1994 and hasn’t held Cornyn’s senate seat in 47 years. But they have some fancy polling data to back it up. More than a third of Texans wouldn’t know their junior senator if he fell on them. They call this “name ID” (or lack thereof) in the political consulting business. Cornyn’s is abysmal for a politician who’s served as a Texas Supreme Court justice, state attorney general, and, for the past six years, U.S. senator. Of those who do know Cornyn, fewer than 50 percent view him favorably—dangerous territory for an incumbent seeking re-election. Some of those same polls show him running closely with Democratic opponent Rick Noriega.

But you don’t need polling data to know that Cornyn can be beaten. Just watch him give a speech. “Dull” is an understatement . . .

. . . Cornyn often votes with a small group of two-dozen arch-conservatives in the Senate, and in opposition to the more moderate, and more popular, Hutchison. In July 2005, for example, he was one of 26 senators to vote against an amendment requiring gunmakers to install child safety locks on their weapons. In exchange for protecting children, gunmakers received immunity from lawsuits. Hutchison and McCain backed the proposal

“He’s very much seen as a partisan Republican,” says Allen of Congressional Quarterly. “There are a fairly limited number of issues where he’s reached across the aisle.”

He also has surrendered to political expediency. In 2006 and 2007, Congress nearly self-immolated over immigration ahead of the midterm elections. Cornyn made clear he opposed construction of a border fence. He told reporters at the time that walling off the entire border was a 20th century answer to a 21st century problem, that the wall wouldn’t stem illegal immigration, and that it was too expensive. “I’m not sure that’s the best use of that money,” he told reporters in early October 2006.

Three weeks later, he voted for the Secure Fence Act—a vote he later described as symbolic support of border security. He said he didn’t think the fence would ever receive funding. (The funding, of course, did come through, and construction began this summer.) His vote for the wall has infuriated some mayors along the border who are fighting the federal government’s efforts to build the fence.

Read the full Texas Observer article

Related Postings:
Texas - Part of the 50 State Strategy
U.S. Senate Candidate Rick Noriega Latest Polling Info

A Rick Noriega Campaign Video

Proud To Support Our Democratic Candidates

I'm Barbara Walters, a member of the Texas Democratic Women of Collin County; OK, I'm the President! On Monday night, July 28, our organization donated $6000 to 8 candidates.

$1,000 - Rick Noriega, candidate for US Senate
$1,000 - Tom Daley, candidate for US Congress, District 3
$1,000 - Glenn Glenn Melançon, candidate for US Congress, District 4
$1,000 - Jim Jordan, candidate for Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice
- Susan Strawn, candidate for Court of Criminal Appeals Judge, Place 3
- Don B. Chae, candidate for 5th Court of Appeals Justice, Place 3
- Victor Manuel, candidate for Collin County Commissioner, Precinct 3
- Eric Roberson, candidate for US Congress, District 32 (not in Collin Co.)

Our hard work over the last two years paid off. We organized, we raised money, we studied the positions of the candidates, we voted to endorse them, and then we invited them back to accept the checks! There was a full house of about 60 people and a wonderful amount of energy and excitement filled the room.

Pictures of Each Candidate Who Received a Contribution
With Barbara Walters, President Of
The Democratic Women of Collin County

Stephen Sargent accepting on
behalf of Rick Noriega,
candidate for US Senate
Tom Daley, candidate for
US Congress, District 3

Glenn Melancon, candidate for
US Congress, District 4
Jim Jordan, candidate for
Texas Supreme Court
Chief Justice

Picture Not Available
Don B. Chae, candidate for
5th Court of Appeals
Justice, PL3

Victor Manuel, candidate for
Collin County Commissioner,
Precinct 3
Eric Roberson, candidate for
US Congress, District 32

(not on Collin Co. Ballots)

You can review responses to a position questionnaire submitted by the Texas Democratic Women of Collin County (TDWCC) to each of these candidates. Discover why the TDWCC endorses each for elected office.

We barely have time to celebrate, though, because we need to organize more, raise more money, and get out the vote to get our candidates elected in November.

The organization of Texas Democratic Women of Collin County are conducting multiple phone banks per week, voter registration drives, and having our second annual fundraiser dinner on Sept. 28. I f you want to know more, check out our website.