Sunday, December 13, 2015

World Leaders Make Landmark Deal to Fight Climate Change

Leaders from more than 190 countries around the world forged an unprecedented agreement to begin to fight climate change driven by global warming. The "Paris Agreement" includes commitments to make deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from individual countries and promises by wealthier nations to help poorer nations adapt to the damaging effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels.

The agreement sets a long-term goal of keeping the increase in the global temperature to "well below" 2°C degrees (3.6°F) above pre-industrial levels and calls on countries to "pursue efforts" to limit the increase to 1.5°C. It adds that "parties aim to reach a global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible."

While the agreement marks a declaration of worldwide war on climate change, it leaves some key decisions on how to fight the war to the future. Those detail decisions are to made to achieve specified goals over the next 10 to 15 years. The agreement also establishes an unprecedented international legal basis for addressing climate issues. Within the agreement, nearly every country on Earth laid out its own plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change impacts. Although those individual plans are not legally binding, the core agreement itself is.

Less optimistic is the reality that the emissions-reduction pledges agreed to by participating countries only limit global warming to roughly 2.7°C (4.9°F), leaving substantial questions on how to fight the global war war on climate change. Michael Mann, director of Penn State University's Earth System Science Center, emphasizes the agreement is just "the beginning of a process. These global commitments "get us roughly half way" to where the world needs to be, Mann reportedly told HuffPost in an email."

Further, current research suggests that forces already set in motion — the melting of glaciers, the release of carbon dioxide from thawing permafrost — could unleash considerable impacts that this agreement is unable to prevent, even if full implemented.

In addition to the carbon cutting of this agreement, quite a lot of carbon capture by human-made devices and human-planted forests may be required. The most important thing to come out of the conference is an agreement to improve on these commitments substantially in the years ahead. (carbon capture video)

Monday, December 7, 2015

SCOTUS May Change How Congress Represents America

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday in a case that could cascade far-reaching changes in the way every election district in Texas — and every state in the nation — are drawn.

The case, Evenwel v. Abbott, challenges Texas’ current method for drawing the lines apportioning state Senate districts. Texas, and every state in the union, draws election districts so they are roughly equal in population. Even those who can't vote — children, non-citizens, and felons — get equal representation.

The plaintiffs in Evenwel v. Abbott, Sue Evenwel of Mount Pleasant and Edward Pfenninger of Montgomery County north of Houston, claim equal apportionment based on total population count, including children under the voting age, and particularly non-citizen immigrants, rather than just eligible voters — only adult citizens who aren't felons — leads to “gross malapportionment” of the value of their votes.

Because there are a larger number of potential "eligible voters" in Pfenninger's district than there are in Evenwel's district, Pfenninger says his vote counts for less. The case turns on the fundamental question about the role of elected representatives, asking whether they serve on behalf of everyone in their district or only those eligible to cast ballots. The share of non-citizens in the U.S. has grown from 2 percent in 1970 to 7 percent in 2013, according to the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute in Washington. The portion of American born individuals who are under 18 years of age, and thus are not eligible voters, was 23.1 percent in 2014.

The person actually behind this case is Edward Blum, who has probably done more than anyone who does not sit on the Supreme Court to dismantle America’s civil rights laws. The pair of Texas Tea Party conservatives — Sue Evenwel and Ed Pfenninger — who filed the legal challenge to the way Texas draws its election district maps are working closely with Blum.

Karen Jacobs For Texas House of Representatives On BlogTalkUSA

Karen Jacobs, candidate for Texas state House of Representatives, District 33, joined me on BlogTalkUSA Eyes Wide Open: Democratic Blog Talk, to tell us about Hillary Clinton's November campaign stop at Mountain View College in Dallas, Texas. We also discuss with Karen her decision to run for the Texas House of Representatives.

Karen's well spoken knowledge on a range of state, national and international issues shows why I urge all my friends to support and vote for Karen. Karen has been active with the Rockwall County community and Democratic Party candidates, working hard to get out the vote for state, local, and 5th District Court of Appeals candidates. Karen is committed to providing practical solutions to real problems confronting all Texans today.

Jacob Limon, Texas Director for Bernie Sanders' Presidential Campaign, also drops by to give us a Report, during the last half of the program!

Karen also spoke on Texas' Public Radio Network. Click this link to listen:

Jacobs visiting with Korean War veteran Hubert Howard and Vivian Joe

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Texas Democrats Vote Ballot Referenda For March 1st Primary Ballot

At a meeting in Austin on Saturday, December 5th, the Texas Democratic Party's Executive Committee approved a set of 6 ballot referenda for the public to vote on during the March 1, 2016 Democratic Primary.

Texas Democrats ballot referenda address economic security and prosperity for all, fair criminal justice reform, climate change, restoring the Voting Rights Act, fixing our broken immigration system, and opposing campus carry. Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:
“Texas Democrats are the champions of middle-class and working families across our great state. Our set of thoughtful ballot referenda prove that we believe in growing opportunity for all. I am proud that our state executive committee has put forth a set of solutions that deal with the everyday lives of Texas families.

"Democrats are focused on kitchen table issues and solutions that promote economic expansion and protect our families. Fighting for real opportunity for everyone, not just for the sons and daughters of the well-to-do, makes us the true pro-growth, pro-family, pro-worker, pro-business party.

“While Republicans are considering whether or not to put an un-American, unpatriotic Texas secession proposal on their ballot, Texas Democrats are having a substantive conversation about the solutions that are going to improve the daily lives of Texas families.
2016 Democratic Party Ballot Referenda:

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Presidential Candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders At Georgetown University

November 19, 2015 – Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaking at Georgetown University to explain the term ‘democratic socialist.’ The talk, which took place in the university’s historic Gaston Hall, was sponsored by the university’s newly created Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service at the McCourt School of Public Policy. Sen. Sanders begins speaking at time index 11:00.
Sanders explained many reforms - like Social Security and banking regulations to safeguard American's savings accounts - instituted in the Roosevelt administration were called "socialistic" in some way or another. They have in fact, become the "fabric of our nation" and the "foundation of the middle class," he said. He focused on FDR's January 11, 1994, “Second Bill of Rights” speech in which Roosevelt said every person should have a right to a useful, adequately paid job, a decent home, adequate medical care, a decent education, adequate protections from the economic problems caused by old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.

Transcript of the "prepared" speech - without his numerous extemporaneous additions.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Democrats Offer Real Leadship Choices For President

Democrats offer America real leadership choices that have everything to do with temperament, personality, and a realistic view of America and the world. In stark contrast to the Republican held a few days earlier on Fox News, Democrats had another interesting, policy-oriented civil debate. Full video below the fold.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

New Polls Give Bernie Sanders Landslides Wins Over Trump And Bush

Western Illinois University has conducted a mock poll for every presidential election since 1975 with 100% accuracy for predicting the winner.

The poll first accurately predict Jimmy Carter’s 1976 upset victory in their 1975 mock election. The 2007 poll accurately predicted Barack Obama’s presidential win in 2008, and in 2011, his narrower 2012 reelection win, after the same system had been used to astonishingly predict every presidential election over the last 40 years.

The WIU mock election, in which thousands of students from multiple schools form parties and caucuses and play out a small-scale election over the course of several days, has  Bernie Sanders beating Hillary Clinton in 22 out of 26 primary states; Hillary Clinton survives past Super Tuesday, but loses out before the month of March is concluded.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

New Bernie Sanders Campaign Ad

The presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., announced Sunday it will air its first campaign ads on television in Iowa and New Hampshire starting Tuesday. Sanders' campaign is spending $2 million to air the ads, the same amount that the campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, his rival for the Democratic nomination, spent on her first campaign ads.

Clinton's ads have been airing since early August. In the months since then, her campaign has spent an additional $4 million on ads in Iowa and New Hampshire.

In a statement, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said, "This ad marks the next phase of this campaign. We're bringing that message directly to the voters of Iowa and New Hampshire."

Second ad aired:

Memo To Democrats: It's Still The Economy Stupid!

"The economy, stupid" is the reminder message Bill Clinton's campaign strategist James Carville coined for his successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting president George H. W. Bush. Carville's original phrase was meant for the internal audience of Clinton's campaign workers as one of the three messages to focus on, the other two messages being "Change vs. more of the same" and "Don't forget health care."

Most Democrats are on track to tell American voters President Obama returned the American economy to health, as the reason to vote Democrats into office in 2016.

Many American voters don't feel better off after seven years of a Democrat in the White House. Many may not only reject the "Obama made the economy better" campaign message, they may blame him for their feeling of economic insecurity.

NYTimes: Amid the global economic turmoil and seesawing markets, millions of Americans have one overriding question: When will my pay increase arrive? The nation’s unemployment rate has fallen substantially since the end of the Great Recession, sliding to 5.1 percent from 10 percent in 2009, but wages haven’t accelerated upward, as many had expected.

In fact, the labor market is a lot softer than a 5.1 percent jobless rate would indicate. For one thing, the percentage of Americans who are working has fallen considerably since the recession began. This disappearance of several million workers — as labor force dropouts they are not factored into the jobless rate — has meant continued labor market weakness, which goes far to explain why wage increases remain so elusive. End of story, many economists say.
Read the full story at the NYTimes:

Monday, October 19, 2015

2015 Texas Constitutional Amendments

Resolutions proposing changes to the state constitution must be approved by at least two-thirds of the members of both the Texas House and the Texas Senate. Texas voters then have the opportunity to approve the amendments with a majority vote. The following identifies proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution to appear on the November 3 ballot. This article on constitutional amendment resolutions approved by the 84th Texas Legislature was originally published when the 84th Legislature adjourned on June 1, 2015, and was updated on June 17, 2015 when the Texas Secretary of State published the proposition order for the constitutional amendment ballot: