Wednesday, October 7, 2015

‘Level the Playing Field’ Democratic Strategy

In May the Roosevelt Institute released its Rewriting the Rules economic agenda crafted by Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. Since the report's well publicized release, the Roosevelt Institute partnered with Democracy Corps to determine whether its Rewriting the Rules analysis and recommendations translate to political policy messaging objectives.

The public policy research conducted through this partnership tests policies Roosevelt Institute economists believe would re-balance the economy by producing broadly shared economic growth. This research finds the public embraces a 'Level the Playing Field' policy agenda, and rejects the conservative ‘Trickle Down’ economic agenda.

‘Level the Playing Field’ progressive messaging, is electorally compelling. It gets a stronger and more intense response than conservative ‘Trickle Down’ messaging. It leads the disengaged to be more engaged, particularly audiences of the newly emerging 21st century American majority. It also produces much stronger results than Democratic main-stream identity issue messaging strategy - that is silent on inequality.

'Level the Playing Field' progressive messaging seeks an economy that works to stop the toxic influence of corporate money, and seeks to level the playing field for all so we can build and strengthen the middle class by restoring the American promise of equality and opportunity. Level the Playing Field messaging performs dramatically better than traditional Democratic identity politics messaging with self-identified Democrats and, the critical swing group, white working class voters. It is more motivating for Millennials, and it performs equally well with independents.

The final and most important result is the re-engagement of the disengaged. At the end of the survey, the big ideological debate, the bold policies, and competing progressive and conservative messages energized the emerging 21st century American Electorate of racial minorities, unmarried women and Millennials who could comprise 55 percent of the voters in 2016 - if they are motivated to turnout to vote.

Public Now Rejects Trickle-Down Economics, Seeks Inclusive Growth