Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Biggest Problem Faced By Texas Democrats

by Michael Handley

The biggest problem faced by Texas Democrats is that too many Democrats don't vote because they have been fooled into thinking that their vote does not count. They have been convinced by the popular media that Texas is a RED state that Republicans will win because the state has more Republican than Democratic Voters.  Democrats, don't believe the Republican propaganda.

Texas is the only minority/majority state in the Union where Democrats are not winning statewide elections.

If every voting aged person who rejects the Republican Party's platform agenda for Texas and America will register and vote in the coming election, President Obama will win Texas' 37 electoral college votes and Paul Sadler will be Texas' next U.S. Senator.

Do the addition - it adds up - Texas is a blue state by voting age population!

Whoever wins in November will likely have the opportunity to appoint at least one and possibly up to three justices. And remember, it is the U.S. Senate that confirms the president's court appointments. So think about that before you skip the U.S. Senate ballot position, when casting your vote.

Are you a voting age person who believes every woman should have the right of privacy to make her own health care and family planning choices?  If Romney wins, he will certainly nominate extremely conservative justices to appeal to the Tea Party elements within his party.  President Romney would appoint conservative justices who support Justice Scalia's position that women have no constitutional right of privacy to choose to use contraception or choose to have an abortion, even when her life is at risk from a pregnancy.  If you are a voting age Texan who rejects these Republican policy positions, then you must make sure you are registered to vote and vote a straight Democratic Ballot.

Are you a voting age person who believes every child has the right to a quality education in an adequately funded public school system and who rejects the Republican position that our American school system should be privatized and corporatized with vouchers?   If you are a voting age Texan who rejects this Republican policy position, then you make sure you are registered to vote and vote a straight Democratic Ballot.

Are you a voting age person who believes that every American, particularly retired Americans who have spent a lifetime building a better America, have a right to life guaranteed by access to health care and who rejects the Republican policy position that the Affordable Care Act must be repealed and that Medicare and Medicaid should be privatized and corporatized with vouchers?  If you are a voting age Texan who rejects these Republican policy position, then you must make sure you are registered to vote and vote a straight Democratic Ballot.  And, by the way, don't believe the Republican lie that Medicare is  going bankrupt - it's not.

More Differences Between Texas Democratic Party Platform and Republican Party of Texas Platforms