Monday, December 5, 2011

NAACP Targets Tougher Voter Qualifications

The NAACP launches a cam­paign Mon­day against new state laws that tighten voter qualifications. The NAACP and the NAACP Legal Defense and Edu­ca­tional Fund, two sep­a­rate orga­ni­za­tions, will release a report that finds the laws tend to sup­press minor­ity vot­ing — a trend the report says emerged after unprece­dented minor­ity turnout in the 2008 elec­tion and Cen­sus fig­ures that show peo­ple of color gain­ing a larger share of the population.

The groups will send the doc­u­ment to con­gres­sional lead­ers, state attor­neys gen­eral, sec­re­taries of state and the Depart­ment of Jus­tice in hopes of prompt­ing leg­is­la­tion to roll back laws requir­ing government-issued iden­ti­fi­ca­tion at the polls and reduc­ing the num­ber of early-voting days and other mea­sures they say could dis­en­fran­chise as many as 5 mil­lion vot­ers. The NAACP, the National Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Col­ored Peo­ple, will lead a march to United Nations head­quar­ter in New York on Sat­ur­day to draw atten­tion to the issue.

The report says 14 states have passed 25 laws in roughly the past year that put new restric­tions on vot­ers or vot­ing. It sug­gests the mea­sures are a reac­tion to the minor­ity voter turnout in the 2008 gen­eral elec­tion, in which African-American vot­ers had a higher turnout rate than white vot­ers, as well as a reac­tion to Cen­sus fig­ures that show that from 2000 to 2010, the white pop­u­la­tion grew by 1.2% while the black pop­u­la­tion grew by 12.3% and the His­panic pop­u­la­tion by 43%. State offi­cials have said the laws are meant to pre­vent voter fraud and make elec­tions more efficient.

Voter ID laws are at the heart of the debate, accord­ing to the report. The authors main­tain that such laws dis­pro­por­tion­ately tar­get minori­ties. The report says about 25% of black Amer­i­cans and about 16% of Lati­nos do not pos­sess government-issued photo iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, com­pared with 8% of whites.

Full Arti­cle: NAACP tar­gets tougher voter qual­i­fi­ca­tions –….

Rafael Anchia On Texas' Voter Photo ID Law

By Rafael Anchia, Texas State Representative, District 103

Rafael Anchia, Texas State Representative, District 103November has been month full of “oops” moments for Texas Republicans.

Not only were their illegal maps redrawn by a San Antonio Federal court last week, but lost in the redistricting news was the story about the refusal by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to pre-clear the strict photo ID legislation that Texas Republicans passed during the 2011 legislative session. Since July of this year, the DOJ has twice asked the Texas Secretary of State’s office (SOS) for additional information, including the number of registered voters who may be unable to comply with its requirements. At issue are about 600,000 registered Texas voters who may not have a state-issued license or ID. If the SOS does not provide the data, implementation of the bill can be halted.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Citizen Video Journalists

When blogging was young you could tell there was an emerging set of Citizen Journalists writers with real talent. It wasn't new as a medium, there were probably tens of thousands of LiveJournal blogs around with people expressing opinions and personal thoughts on everything from politics to what they had for breakfast. It's what these talented writers did with the medium that took it to the next level. There's a thousand ways things could have gone wrong for those early pioneers. But with a combination of talent, entrepreneurial skill, and the luck of being in the right place at the right time we've got the vibrant online world we have today. And we have a track record of lots of wins to look back on.

We've got a similar set of conditions brewing in the video broadcast world right now. Turn the dial on your TV and you'll mostly find right wing ownership of the air waves. News organizations have cut their budgets around the world for sending correspondents out to cover conflicts around the world. And the local TV coverage is mostly a joke. The technology to cheaply record video has existed for quite some time, most people have the ability to do that from their smart phones now. The technology to stream video in real time has become incredibly easy to use and free. You'll see coverage of all types of events, concerts, discussion panels, and you're even seeing some people broadcast live from Occupy protests.

Read the full story @ DailyKos

The Internet A Diversion And Destination In 2011

A survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project show that young adults’ use of the internet can at times be simply for the diversion it presents. Indeed, 81% of all young adults in this age cohort report they have used the internet for this reason at least occasionally. Americans are increasingly going online just for fun and to pass the time, particularly young adults under 30. On any given day, 53% of all the young adults ages 18-29 go online for no particular reason except to have fun or to pass the time. Many of them go online in purposeful ways, as well.

These results come in the larger context that internet users of all ages are much more likely now than in the past to say they go online for no particular reason other than to pass the time or have fun.

Some 58% of all adults (or 74% of all online adults) say they use the internet this way. And a third of all adults (34%) say they used the internet that way “yesterday” – or the day before Pew Internet reached them for the survey.

Both figures are higher than in 2009 when we last asked this question and vastly higher than in the middle of the last decade.

"These findings are one of our main signs about how deeply Internet use has woven itself into the rhythms of people's lives," report author and Pew Internet Lee Rainie told Mashable.

"When they have some down time, more and more of them are finding the Internet a fun, diverting place to spend their leisure moments. It's not necessarily surprising to see that this is a favorite pastime of young adults. It is a bit surprising to see that the incidence of this use has grown in every age demographic. The Internet is not just the playground of the young."

About the Survey

The results in this report are based on data from telephone interviews conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International from July 25 to August 26, 2011, among a sample of 2,260 adults, age 18 and older. Telephone interviews were conducted in English and Spanish by landline (1,344) and cell phone (916, including 425 without a landline phone).

Read the full survey report @ Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

2011 Social Media Statistics

Social media has never been bigger, with hundreds of millions of people checking Facebook, Tweeting, posting and watching videos and sharing their lives on the web. Videoinfographcs have released a new video infographic with the latest statistics, facts and figures about social media that were released in 2011.

The World of Social Media 2011 hit YouTube just over a week ago and includes stats about Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Flickr, Instagram and more.

Did you know that at 135 million users, LinkedIn is 15 times the size of the population of New York? Or that Twitter users send an average of 1,735 tweets per second, with an all time record of 8,900 tweets per second? The average Facebook user now has 130 friends and spends 700 minutes on Facebook each month, and there are more Facebook users than motor vehicles.

Note: Infographics (including in this video) are saying that 35 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. In fact, back in May this statistic was upped to 48 hours of video being uploaded per minute. Additionally, YouTube now sees 3.5 billion daily views.

Web Videos Can Deliver Messages To Millions

By now, if you haven't been living under a rock, you've seen or been told about this viral YouTube video:

Zach Wahls, a 19-year-old University of Iowa student spoke about the strength of his family during a public forum on House Joint Resolution 6 in the Iowa House of Representatives. Wahls has two Lesbian mothers, and came to oppose House Joint Resolution 6 which would end civil unions in Iowa.

The speaker's name is Zach Wahls; he's addressing the Iowa House of Representatives on the issue of marriage equality, and representing his parents, who are both women.

Posted in February, the video had been passed around several times before yesterday; it had appeared not twice but three times on the home page of Reddit, for example.

But then featured the video on this page, with the headline, "Two Lesbians Raised A Baby and This Is What They Got," and the urging to "share this now" on Twitter, Facebook, or by email.

Over 500,000 people shared the page on Facebook alone, MoveOn Media editor-in-chief Angie Akers told me today, contributing to 6 million pageviews for the video since it was promoted to their front page Wednesday morning.

On YouTube, the video's analytics show 4.4 million views and a massive upward traffic spike yesterday, after its appearance on and reappearance on Reddit.

Web An Increasing Tool To Link Campaigns, Voters

Huffington Post

As potential voters in New Hampshire and Iowa scan the Internet, they probably are seeing ads for Republican Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama alongside deals for shoes and holiday gifts.

The campaign ads will then follow those voters around the Web, popping up on news sites, Google searches and on social networking sites like Facebook.

Online advertising, once used primarily as a way to reach young and heavily wired consumers, has emerged as an essential communications tool in the 2012 presidential contest. While few expect Web ads to supplant television commercials anytime soon, strategists say online ads may be the most nimble, efficient and cost-effective way to reach voters.

"Online advertising cuts through because of its ability to target. It's unparalleled in any other medium," said Romney's digital director, Zac Moffatt. "TV may be more effective for driving a big message, but per usage, the Internet is more powerful. We are probably one presidential cycle from everyone believing that."

Web ads can take many forms, from small display boxes to clickable videos to 15- or 30-second commercials known as "pre-rolls" a viewer sees before the start of a news clip or YouTube video.

While campaigns invest heavily in television ads to reach a mass audience, Web ads are geared specifically to people based on their ZIP code, demographics and, most importantly, their Internet browsing history.

That means someone who has visited the Obama campaign website probably will start seeing his ads on a number of different Web pages. Those who use Google to search for information on the Republican candidates might notice a Romney campaign pre-roll the next time they watch a TV show online.

Campaigns also buy ads on websites that cater to the different demographic groups the campaigns are hoping to reach.

"When someone expresses interest in politics online, it's an incredibly good time for the campaigns to talk to them," said Andrew Roos, a Google account leader who works with Democratic campaigns on Web ad strategy. "You want to grab people when they are paying attention and ask them to take another action, like send money or attend an offline event. It's an old-school organization principle that has been working its way online."

Read the full story @ Huffington Post

Newt Gingrich's Google Ad Buy Jumps the Cain Train

Politico's Morning Score notes that Newt Gingrich is running ads on web searches for news about Herman Cain in Iowa and New Hampshire with the message "Support the Candidate that can win."

In terms of web searches, that could be a successful move by Gingrich. Google Insights shows that within the past week, searches for Newt Gingrich have risen above searches for Herman Cain in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

But when it comes to searches only in the category of news, there are still significantly more searches for Cain than for Gingrich in both states.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Raise Taxes on Rich to Reward True Job Creators

by Nick Hanauer
Founder of the Second Avenue Partners
Venture Capital Company

It is a tenet of American economic beliefs, and an article of faith for Republicans that is seldom contested by Democrats: If taxes are raised on the rich, job creation will stop.

Trouble is, sometimes the things that we know to be true are dead wrong. For the larger part of human history, for example, people were sure that the sun circles the Earth and that we are at the center of the universe. It doesn’t, and we aren’t. The conventional wisdom that the rich and businesses are our nation’s “job creators” is every bit as false.

I’m a very rich person. As an entrepreneur and venture capitalist, I’ve started or helped get off the ground dozens of companies in industries including manufacturing, retail, medical services, the Internet and software. I founded the Internet media company aQuantive Inc., which was acquired by Microsoft Corp. in 2007 for $6.4 billion. I was also the first non-family investor in Inc.

Even so, I’ve never been a “job creator.” I can start a business based on a great idea, and initially hire dozens or hundreds of people. But if no one can afford to buy what I have to sell, my business will soon fail and all those jobs will evaporate.

That’s why I can say with confidence that rich people don’t create jobs, nor do businesses, large or small. What does lead to more employment is the feedback loop between customers and businesses. And only consumers can set in motion a virtuous cycle that allows companies to survive and thrive and business owners to hire. An ordinary middle-class consumer is far more of a job creator than I ever have been or ever will be.

End Welfare For The Wealthy

Excepts from an Op Ed by Tom, Coburn (R-Oklahoma), @

Every year, politicians on both sides engage in a process of reverse Robin Hood in which they steal $30 billion from low- and middle-income Americans and provide handouts to the rich and famous.

Millionaires receive tax earmarks and deductions crafted by both parties that allow them to write off billions each year. These write-offs include mortgage interest deductions on second homes and luxury yachts, gambling losses, business expenses, electric vehicle credits and even child care tax credits.

Meanwhile, direct handouts for millionaires have included $74 million in unemployment checks, $316 million in farm subsidies, $ million for preservation of ranches and estates, $9 billion in retirement checks and $7.5 million to compensate for damages caused by emergencies to property that should have been insured. Millionaires have even borrowed $16 million in government-backed education loans to attend college since 2007.

The goal of highlighting these excesses is not to demonize those who are successful. Instead, by highlighting the sheer stupidity of pampering the wealthy with lavish benefits through our safety net and tax code, I hope to make a moral and economic argument for real entitlement and tax reform...

Families are struggling to make ends meet and are making painful economic choices as politicians in Washington borrow billions to provide welfare to the wealthy. Politicians on both sides refuse to fix big problems and defend stupid policies because changing those policies would involve upending a comfortable political status quo.

It's important for taxpayers to understand that these distortions are not accidental loopholes in the law. To the contrary, these provisions are intentional efforts to get all Americans to buy into a system where everyone appears to benefit while the poor and middle class are being robbed.

In the case of entitlements such as Social Security, progressives have argued for decades that a program for poor people will be a poor program. Yet, Warren Buffett hardly needs the same retirement check as his secretary. Ending welfare handouts to millionaires will strengthen, not undermine, the safety net for people who need it most.

Even Canada has adopted means testing in its retirement program by limiting benefits for high-earners. That fact is we can't afford the system we have today. Only by adopting common-sense reforms can we sustain a safety net for those who truly need assistance.

On the tax side, both parties have been reluctant to alter tax earmarks and deductions, such as the mortgage interest deduction. These are considered sacrosanct.

Yet, it's hard to understand how limiting the mortgage interest deductions for yachts will hurt working families. Defending spending in the tax code is not conservative. Providing tax earmarks and deductions to millionaires is a tax increase on everyone who doesn't receive the benefit. The only way we will enact real tax reform, and grow the economy, is by lowering tax rates and broadening the base by scaling back these egregious handouts. This is precisely what President Ronald Reagan did in 1986.

Even though the super committee failed to reach an agreement on broad deficit reduction, there is no reason why the other super committee -- Congress -- should drag its feet. Change in Washington tends to start with small steps. There is no better place to start than scaling back ludicrous handouts to millionaires that expose an entitlement system and tax code that desperately need to be reformed.

Read the complete Op Ed by Tom, Coburn (R-Oklahoma), @