Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Collin County: A Safe Haven For Republicans?

Shawn Stevens, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Collin County, takes exception with DMN statement. On Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Gromer Jeffers Jr. wrote an article for the Dallas Morning News containing the following statement: "More and more Republicans, however, are moving to the friendly confines of Collin County, leaving heavily Democratic southern Dallas more empowered." Here are a few snippets of that article to provide some context around Mr. Jeffers statement:
"It's been three years since local Democrats stunned Republicans and turned the Old Red Courthouse blue, along with nearly the rest of Dallas County.
[. . .]
Since that election, which swept into office Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins and County Judge Jim Foster, Democrats have seemingly solidified their dominance.
[. . .]
"Even the most ardent partisan can't claim we didn't get our clocks cleaned the last two cycles," said Dallas County Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Neerman. "The question is why? We don't know what's driving it. I, for one, don't believe this is a Democratic county."
[. . .]
The numbers could prove it [Dallas Co.] is indeed a haven for Democrats.
[. . .]
The percentage of the Democratic vote in Dallas County has been rising since the start of the decade. It's now closing in on 60 percent of the overall vote.
[. . .]
More and more Republicans, however, are moving to the friendly confines of Collin County, leaving heavily Democratic southern Dallas more empowered. [. . .] "

To read the full Dallas Morning News article click here.
Shawn Stevens, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Collin County, takes exception with Mr. Jeffers opinion that Collin Co. continues to be a safe haven for Republicans.

Mr Stevens sends a copy of a letter he sent to the editor of the Dallas Morning News to the editor of this blog - as follows:

I'm not sure on what facts Gromer Jeffers would base the statement in
his column that "More and more Republicans, however, are moving to the
friendly confines of Collin County . . ."

Actually, Kerry received 28.1% of the vote in Collin County in 2004, as
compared to Obama receiving 36.7% of the vote in 2008, with Collin
County Democrats achieving a 29,650 net vote increase over Republicans
from 2004 to 2008. The number of straight ticket Republican voters in
Collin County actually declined from 113,078 in 2004 to 112,959 in 2008,
while there was an increase of 20,059 Democratic straight ticket votes
over the same time period.

Those seem like strong indicators that within a fast growing population
in Collin County, Democrats are becoming more numerous in Collin County
in comparison to Republicans.


Shawn Stevens
Chairman, Democratic Party of Collin County