Monday, May 4, 2009

Dem Party Position On Local Candidates

We have received several comments and emails to the blog in response to our municipal elections posting asking if the Democratic Party of Collin County has a position statement covering candidates appearing on any of the city and ISD election ballots. As far as we have been able to determine the the Democratic Party of Collin County has no such candidate position statement for the local elections.

It is unfortunate that so few progressives have made themselves available to run for any of the local city and ISD elected offices across Collin County. For the most part, the ballot choices in this election are between a conservative Republican and a more conservative Republican or between a conservative Republican and a Libertarian. This county sorely needs Democrats to get active in local city government and school district oversight and run for office!

Since this election is officially called a "non-partisan" election, party affiliation is not noted beside any of the candidate names on the ballot. Voters really need to work hard to research the candidates to make the best possible choices.

There are two sources of information on the that Collin County voters can reference. One is the League of Women Voters of Plano/Collin County voter's guide: (click LWV guide name)
The second is the Dallas Morning News Voter Guide.