Monday, April 6, 2009

Take Action - Photo Voter ID Bill Up For House Committee Testimony

Video: Texas Senator Kirk Watson's speech
against the Photo Voter ID bill (SB362)
On April 6th-7th, the Texas House Committee on Elections will hear testimony on the Photo Voter ID bill, which already passed in the Texas Senate in March.

While proponents of Texas voter ID legislation argue that it's needed to combat voter fraud, there is no evidence that the type of fraud this legislation addresses has occurred at any point since records have been kept.

Republicans have been unable to provide any actual evidence on their claim that large groups of people knowingly and willingly give false information to establish voter eligibility, and knowingly and willingly vote illegally or participate in a conspiracy to encourage illegal voting by others.

In fact, according to an article in the Dallas Morning News:
County election officials said voter fraud was difficult to carry out in Texas because each applicant must submit a driver's license number or Social Security number, which is entered into a statewide electronic database and checked by the secretary of state's office. Applicants are sent a voting card and officially added to the rolls only if there are no discrepancies and the secretary of state's office approves the application.

...elections administrators said there's no proof that county officials are registering a significant number of non-citizens to vote. "I don't think we are, and I have no evidence that we have people over registered to vote," said Dallas County Elections Administrator Bruce Sherbet.

...Steve Raborn, elections administrator for Tarrant County, said a two-year investigation by his office of questionable voter registrations in 2004 and 2005 found only three non-citizens on the county voter rolls, and they were later removed.
A Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law study found that as many as 11 percent of citizens, mostly the elderly, poor and minority American citizens, do not have a current, government-issued photo ID. Voting rights advocates say that requiring photo identification threatens to disenfranchise many older Americans, a growing segment of the population in Collin County as retirees increasingly move to the county.
Senior citizens are less likely to have unexpired driver’s licenses or other government photo id and they are less likely to have their birth certificates, which are often needed to obtain a government photo ID.

This has proven to be the case in Arizona, Indiana and the other eight states that required government issued photo identification to vote in the 2008 election.

(actually, in Collin County this would turn out to benefit Democrats and suppress Republican votes since it would tend to reduce the vote from the solidly Republican block of retirees in the county.)

The Texas photo Voter ID bill is part the Republican agenda to keep Republicans in office by suppressing the vote of groups that tend to vote Democratic. In the 10 states that have already passed picture ID laws, voter participation is down about 3 percent. However, black and Hispanic voter participation is down more than 10 percent in those states. The success of Democratic voter registration drives among these Texas groups in 2008 threatens to tip the balance of power away from Republican candidates in future elections. As the tide of Democratic voters continues to grow across Texas, voter ID legislation would be an effective way for Republicans to hold back the tide.

Consequently, the use of baseless "voter fraud" allegations to promote voter photo ID legislation has become such an urgent priority for Republicans in the 2009 Texas legislative session that Republicans in the Texas Senate were compelled to change long standing Senate rules to just to bring the photo ID legislation to a vote.

Call Elections Committee Chairman Todd Smith and ask him why Republicans are making photo Voter ID the highest priority when there is no evidence of voter fraud, even after Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott's $1.4 million two year investigation attempting to locate voter fraud failed to identify anything more than 26 cases where people forgot to sign and address the absentee ballot envelope:

Contact Information:

Call Rep. Todd Smith, Chairman of House Committee on Elections, at his capitol phone number (512) 463-0522 or write him an email - link to email form - or do both!

Write a letter to your local newspaper editor

Click here to contact other members of the House Elections Committee.

Click here for more key points on the photo Voter ID bill.

Republican Sen. Troy Fraser answers questions about his Voter ID proposal.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pres. Obama Town Hall in Strasbourg, France

Following the G20 Economic Summit in London, Pres. Obama headed to Strasbourg, France, for a NATO Summit and memorial events. While in Strasbourg, the president spoke at a town hall meeting to local residents about international issues. Link to c-span for speech

Friday, April 3, 2009

North Central Texas "Terror" Fusion Center

The Texas Observer, The Collin County Observer and this blog has been posting about the Department Of Homeland Security funded North Central Texas Fusion System located in Collin County. (What is a "fusion center?") Forrest Wilder today posted another good story about this domestic intelligence gathering operation in the Texas Observer:

Dr. Bob's Terror Shop

The strange and scary story of the North Central Texas Fusion System.

By Forrest Wilder,
The Texas Observer
April 03, 2009

One morning in February, more than 2,000 cops, fire marshals, and public health officials in the Dallas-Fort Worth area received a memo—stamped “For Official Use Only”—that contained shocking information: Middle Eastern terrorists and “their supporting organizations” had gained a stronghold in America.
The memo warned:
A number of organizations in the U.S. have been lobbying Islamic-based issues for many years. These lobbying efforts have turned public and political support towards radical goals such as Shariah law and support of terrorist military action against Western nations. ... [T]he threats to Texas are significant.
Who were these Osama bin Lobbyists who had convinced Americans to support terrorism? Citing a grab bag of right-wing blogs and news sources, the memo [cites, among several concerns] that a class on Islamic finance taught at the U.S. Treasury Department “indicates the possibility that the [U.S.] government hopes to secure recycled petrodollars in exchange for conforming to [Islamic] Shariah economic doctrine.” The memo ends by calling on law enforcement to “report” the activities of [what it identified and listed as Islamic sympathizer] organizations.

The missive reads like a rant by a paranoid conspiracy nut. In fact, the so-called “Prevention Awareness Bulletin” is a weekly product of the North Central Texas Fusion System, a terrorism and crime-prevention intelligence center run by the Collin County Department of Homeland Security.

. . .The bulletin is written by the architect and operator of the fusion system, Bob Johnson, a former chief scientist for defense contractor Raytheon Co. Johnson has a background in data mining, the controversial, computer-aided practice of trolling massive quantities of data in pursuit of patterns and links.

. . .Among his critics in Texas, Bob Johnson is better known as “Son of Sam”—the son of U.S Rep. Sam Johnson, the conservative Republican congressman who has represented Collin and Dallas Counties [in the 3rd Congressional District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives] since 1992. [.The 3rd Congressional District includes the southwestern portion of Collin County and the Northeastern corner of Dallas County.]

. . .Since 2004, [Johnson and his wife Anita] have received $1.1 million in no-bid contracts. At least $80,000 of that money has been passed along, in the form of a subcontract, to Anita’s brother, Elbert Bassham, who runs a one-person consulting firm listed at a Marfa post-office box that he shares with a beauty salon.

I’m not aware of any other fusion center that has a husband-and-wife team building, running, and managing it,” says James Paat, CEO of Sypherlink Inc., an Ohio-based data integration company that lost the subcontract. In a 2007 letter to Collin County, Mr. Paat accused ADB Consulting of rigging the scoring process and asked that the contract be rescinded.

Funding for the fusion system comes from state and federal Department Of Homeland Security grants as well as Collin County funds.

. . .It’s tempting to dismiss the fusion center as one man’s risible, if expensive, [tax payer funded] computer science project. But the U.S. Department of Homeland Security took [Johnson's] menacing February memo seriously enough that it sent a three-person team to train North Texas fusion personnel on federal rules [in accordance with the December 11, 2008 Department of Homeland Security State, Local, and Regional Fusion Center Initiative Privacy Impact Assessment directive.]

. . .In 2007, a former senior intelligence analyst for the Collin County fusion system described the center to an online trade publication as the “wild west,” a place where analysts could try out new technologies [at tax payer expense] before “politics” caught up with them.

. . . “We’ve built this network, and nobody’s policing it,” says Mike German, a former FBI agent now with the ACLU. “Nobody knows exactly what each fusion center is doing.” Part of the problem, German says, is that fusion centers fall in a “no-man’s-land” between federal and state governments. Such ambiguity can lead fusion centers to pick and choose which rules apply to them. A 2007 study by the Government Accountability Office found that one-third of all fusion centers reported a lack of guidance on the proper handling of information, including privacy and civil-liberties concerns.

Read the full story in the Texas Observer....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Time Warner Cable Introducing Tiered And Metered Internet Pricing

According to new reports today, Time Warner Cable is introducing a new pricing structure for Austin-area Internet users. Under the new plan, consumers would be placed on a tiered and metered billing system, and charged for the amount of bandwidth they use. The DFW area Internet users will likely be next for Time Warner Cable Tiered And Metered Internet Use Pricing!

From Lee Leffingwell released the following statement earlier today:

This approach, and Time Warner’s specific plan, should be of grave concern to Austin. Right now we need to be encouraging, rather than stifling, economic recovery and growth in Austin. This plan moves us in the wrong direction. It potentially puts Austin at a disadvantage as we compete against other communities to attract, retain, and grow prosperous businesses.

I’m obviously concerned about the impact this plan would have on individuals and families, who would have to begin to monitor their Internet use. The new pricing system would have a significant impact on anybody who uses the Internet to watch videos, download music, movies, or television shows.

But I’m deeply concerned about the impact of the plan on business owners, especially those working in creative industries that require regular access to broadband Internet service. Introducing an economic disincentive for Austin businesses to use the Internet to communicate, collaborate, innovate, and deliver services is very worrisome at best, and catastrophic at worst.

If Time Warner believes that is has no choice but to introduce usage caps, I would call on them to propose caps that are realistic and reasonable. The usage caps proposed in their new plan are neither realistic nor reasonable.

For example, if a consumer downloads Season 1 of “Friday Night Lights” in high definition from iTunes, they will have used 30.86 gigabytes of transfer. This one purchase would put that consumer over the limit of all but the most expensive tier that Time Warner is offering under the new plan. It’s easy to see how the costs associated with the ongoing, high volumes of Internet use that many businesses require be could be astronomical.

Internet access should be expanded, not constrained. Innovation and creativity should be unleashed by the Internet, not shackled by draconian usage caps. This is vital to Austin’s economic recovery. I hope that Time Warner will work with City officials and the community at large to reconsider this bad pla

Voter Photo ID: A Flawed Solution To A Made-Up Problem

With its requirement that voters present a government-issued photo ID or specified substitutes along with their voter registration card at the polls, the voter photo ID bill’s stated goal is to prevent voter fraud. No one favors voter fraud, but to this day proponents of voter ID have not shown convincing evidence that such fraud is a problem or has even occurred in Texas.

Requiring voters to present a government-issued photo ID to vote is a flawed solution to a made-up problem. Republican maneuvering has every appearance of a disparate scheme devised to stack the deck in favor of Republicans in the 2010 legislative elections. Republicans are anxious to maintain control of the Texas House and Senate to give them the upper hand in the federal and state redistricting decisions that the Legislature is scheduled to make in 2011 following the 2010 U.S. census.
The Texas photo Voter ID bill is part of the Republican agenda to keep Republicans in office by suppressing the vote of groups that tend to vote Democratic. In the 10 states that have already passed voter picture ID laws, voter participation is down about 3 percent. However, black and Hispanic voter participation is down more than 10 percent in those states. The success of Democratic voter registration drives among these Texas groups in 2008 threatens to tip the balance of power away from Republican candidates in future elections. As the tide of Democratic voters continues to grow across Texas, voter ID legislation would be an effective way for Republicans to hold back the tide.
Republicans, who hold a 19-12 majority in the Senate, voted on the second day of the current session to change Senate rules to cut Democrats out of the legislative process so they could ram the voter photo ID bill through that legislative body. Then they proceeded to do so when Republicans passed the Senate Voter Photo ID bill (SB362) in a party line 19-12 vote on March 11.

SB362 will be taken up by the House Elections Committee next week where the Republican committee chairman is solidly on the Republican side of the aisle in wanting to pass the bill into law. There is a slim chance to stop the bill in the House given Republicans hold only a slim 76-74 majority in the House and two of those Republicans sided with Democrats on the issue in the last legislative session in 2007.

You can help convince those House Republicans of good conscience to vote no again by testifying and speaking out against the photo id requirement when the House Elections Committee takes public comment on the legislation next Tuesday.

If you are able to travel to Austin next Tuesday, April 7th to speak out during the House Elections Committee afternoon hearing, please sign up by clicking here.

Read more here

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All Threat Fusion Centers A Threat To Civil Liberties

Recently, this blog and the Collin County Observer blog posted stories about the Department of Homeland Security All Threat Fusion Center located in Collin County.
DBCC Blog: Free Speech, Privacy And National Security
CCO Blog: Keystone Kounter-Terrorism
All Threat Fusion Centers are domestic intelligence gathering operations spread out across the U.S. that collect and interpreted data on ordinary citizens and synchronize that consolidated intelligence with local and national law enforcement agencies. Formed in the wake of 9/11 as a way to search out domestic terrorist threats, fusion centers today are criticized on all sides for things like improper surveillance of the supporters of third-party presidential candidates and an ambiguous mission directive that has lead to power overreaching.

The U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment held a public hearing on Wednesday where several groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Council on Islamic-American Relations, spoke against the fusion centers.

“Fusion centers have experienced a mission creep in the last several years, becoming more of a threat than a security device," said Caroline Fredrickson, director of the ACLU's Washington legislative office in a statement. "With no overarching guidelines to restrict or direct them, these centers put Americans’ privacy at huge risk. We need our government to take a long, hard look at what’s going into these centers and, frankly, what’s coming out.”

The Department of Homeland Security itself has expressed concern that fusion centers pose a number of privacy risks to American citizens. In a December 2008 report, DHS's Privacy Office detailed seven risks posed by the centers:
  1. Justification for fusion centers
  2. Ambiguous Lines of Authority, Rules, and Oversight
  3. Participation of the Military and the Private Sector
  4. Data Mining
  5. Excessive Secrecy
  6. Inaccurate or Incomplete Information
  7. Mission Creep
The ACLU has highlighted known invasions of privacy by fusion center, including surveillance of third-party presidential candidate supporters, various religious groups and anti-war activists. The group is asking the DHS office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties to launch independent investigations into the following incidents:
* Inappropriate references "social, religious and political ideologies including support of third party presidential candidates such as Congressman Ron Paul and former Congressman Bob Barr" in a February 2009 report on the "modern militia movement" authored by the Missouri Information Anaysis Center. Report available here.

* A May 2008 report entitled “Universal Adversary Dynamic Threat Assessment” written by a private contractor that labeled environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club, the Humane Society and the Audubon Society as "organizations with known or possible links to eco-terrorism.” The report, which also criticized the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front, among others, is available here.

* The alleged improper monitoring and dissemination of communications of activists with the DC Anti-War Network.

* The labeling of national and state anti-war groups as "extremists in a report entitled a “Protective Intelligence Bulletin” that was issued in March, 2006 by the DHS Intelligence Branch of the Threat Management Division of the Federal Protective Service. The report is available here.

* A February 2009 report authored by the North Central Texas Fusion System called "Prevention Awareness Bulletin." The report described an alleged conspiracy of among the Muslim civil liberties group, CAIR, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, among others to foster an "environment for terrorist groups to flourish." That report can be read here.
The Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) released the following statement regarding a warning distributed to law enforcement agencies by "The North Central Texas Fusion System," operated by the Collin County Department of Homeland Security in the county sheriff's office building, concerning its legitimate political lobbying activities:
"CAIR is deeply troubled that the North Central Texas Fusion System bulletin labels monitoring the legal activities of American Muslims exercising their constitutional privileges as ‘imperative,’" their statement said. The group "believes it is time for Congress to conduct a deeper evaluation of our nation’s new domestic surveillance infrastructure...

Based on this and other recent incidents and initiatives targeting the Muslim community nationwide, we are concerned that the rights of American Muslims to participate fully in our country’s political process and practice their faith free of government intrusion is under assault.”
Note: In reporting on the Collin County Fusion Center this blog and the Collin County Observer blog will likely appear in future warnings distributed to law enforcement agencies by "The North Central Texas Fusion System."

Texans for Life Press For Continued Abstinence-Only Sex Education In Texas Schools

Legislation that would end the requirement that Texas public schools devote attention to abstinence-only sex education was before the House Public Education Committee on Tuesday for public comment. The bill, HB 741 by State Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-San Antonio), would remove much of the controversial and unsound language from the Texas Education Code that places abstinence education above responsible instruction about sex education and sexually transmitted diseases.

Texas receives more federal abstinence-only education funding than any other state in the country, yet Texas has the nation’s third-highest teen pregnancy rate. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) a Texas teen gets pregnant every 10 minutes.

According to a report (PDF Full/Summary) released in February by the Texas Freedom Network (TFN) a majority of Texas schools use scare tactics and teach false information in their sex education classes. TFN's two-year study of education materials from 990 Texas school districts showed that about 94 percent of public schools use abstinence-only programs that usually pass moral judgments while giving inaccurate information on contraception and health screenings or ignoring the subjects altogether.

A recent, a large federal 2008 study, again confirms previous studies in its finding that abstinence eduction that tell teens to "just say no to sex" is not as effective as comprehensive sex education. "Taking a [abstinence] pledge doesn't seem to make any difference at all in any sexual behavior, but it does seem to make a difference in condom use and other forms of birth control that is quite striking," according to Janet E. Rosenbaum of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Ms. Rosenbaum's report, that appears in the January issue of the journal Pediatrics, highlights that:
Teenagers who receive abstinence-only sex education and pledge to remain virgins until marriage are just as likely to have premarital sex as those who do not promise abstinence and are significantly less likely to use condoms and other forms of birth control when they do, according to a large federal survey released last month.
Ignoring all facts and evidence that the "just say no" abstinence-only sex education approach does not stop or even reduce the numbers of teens who have sex, Texans for Life Coalition representative Kyleen Wright gave testimony before the House Public Education Committee on Tuesday making a "full court press" for the ideologue position that "abstinence-only" should be taught in Texas schools. It was Wright who successful lead the fight to keep any medically accurate information about contraception and disease prevention out of new Texas high school health textbooks in 2004.

The fact that abstinence-only sex education translates to a higher tax payer burden to support teen mothers and their babies was all but ignored. Texas Medicaid paid for 17,322 deliveries to teen mothers aged-13-17 last year at a cost of $41 million. That $41 million is on top of the many millions of dollars tax payers are spending on a government sponsored abstinence-only public school sex education program that is a proven failure!!

To read a live blog of the Texas House Public Education Committee meeting click here.

Kathy Miller's news conference
announcing the report
Kathy Miller, president of the Freedom Network’s Education Fund, said in a late February news conference announcing the groups Texas education report that, "we must stop burying our heads in the sand about high teen birth and STD rates and make sure young people get the medically accurate information they need to protect their health. . ." Texas continues to have one of the nation's highest teen pregnancy rates despite receiving more federal abstinence funding than any other state. (Watch TFN's "Sex Ed...Texas Style" videos)

Texas Gov. Perry: No Stem Cell Science In Texas

Texas Governor Rick Perry, who strongly supports teaching only "abstinence" sex education in Texas schools and who reappointed young earth (earth age only 6,000 years) creationist Don McLeroy as chairman of the Texas State Board of Education to oppose teaching evolution in public schools, also promises to prevent stem cell research in Texas as he touts his record for passing more restrictions on stem cell research than any previous governor.

[Apparently, Gov. Perry does not think Texas needs the high tech stem cell business dollars flowing into Texas to replace the crumbling telecommunication industry that is rapidly disappearing from Texas' "silicon prairie" corridor.]

Governor Perry, a leading general in the Republican Party's War On Science, promises that a story like this will never come out of Texas:
ScienceDaily (Apr. 1, 2009) — In a genetic engineering breakthrough that could help everyone from bed-ridden patients with failing heart muscles to people afflicted with muscular dystroph, a team of American researchers—including 2007 Nobel Prize winner Mario R. Capecchi—have created a "switch" that allows mutations to be turned on in muscle stem cells to monitor muscle regeneration in a living mammal.

"This is basic science at its best," said Gerald Weissmann, M.D, Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. "This study has not only shown us how stem cells turn into muscle in the living body, but brought us closer to the day when we can use stem cells to repair wounded flesh or a maimed physique."

Read the complete story at

Democrats Can Win In Republican Strongholds

A special election to fill a vacant U.S. House seat in the heavily Republican Upstate New York 20th Congressional District demonstrates that Democrats can win in heavily Republican areas, even Collin County, Texas, with a focused campaign and coordinated help from the Democratic Party.

With all precincts reporting from Tuesday's special election voting, Democrat Scott Murphy, a venture capitalist, had 77,344 votes and Jim Tedisco, the Republican leader in NY's State Assembly, had 77,285. The Democrat leads by 65 25 vote in the Congressional District that has approximately 400,000 total registered voters and 70,000 more registered Republicans than Democrats, and where former President George W. Bush carried the district twice.

Election officials and outside observers said that about 5,900 absentee ballots had been received as of Monday. But about 10,000 absentee ballots were mailed, and those still out have another week to return -- 13 days for ballots from overseas and from members of the military -- as long as they were postmarked by Tuesday.

Tedisco and Murphy were vying to replace Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in the House; Gillibrand was appointed to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Clinton in January when she became Secretary of State.

Murphy ran an campaign focused on his record as a successful businessman and his strong support for President Obama's economic recovery programs. Tedisco, the Republican, ran on his opposition to President Obama's economic recovery programs and the Republican platform of tax cuts and deregulation. Murphy also had strong active support from both the local and national Democratic Party organizations. Murphy's website, that his campaign kept active and current with issues, news and videos, no doubt, also gave him an advantage. Tedisco's campaign website was more a old "billboard" type of site, other than a campaign Twitter feed on his main page.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele had made recapturing this traditionally GOP seat a priority. He heavily invested here and personally visited twice to campaign. Murphy's campaign success against a Republican candidate that started with a 20 point advantage, will like cause concern in the ranks of House Republicans, like Texas 3rd District Representative Sam Johnson and Texas 4rd District Representative Ralph Hall, who continue to vote as a block against President Obama's economic recovery programs. The Texas 3rd and 4th Congressional Districts meet in Collin County.

The 3rd Congressional District, shaded in yellow on the map includes the southwestern portion of Collin County and the Northeastern corner of Dallas County. The 4th Congressional District, shaded in pink on the map includes the remaining portions of Collin County and four counties of north east Texas.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Free Speech, Privacy And National Security With, Maybe, A Dash Of Cronyism

Have you ever heard of the Department of Homeland Security "all hazards fusion centers" that sprung up during the Bush Administration? We have one in Collin County called "The North Central Texas Fusion System" operated by the Collin County Department of Homeland Security in the county sheriff's office building. The Collin County Observer reports that James Johnson, son of U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson, and James Johnson's wife, Anita Miller, have received at least $1 million in no-bid contracts from Collin County since 2004 to design and run the "The North Central Texas Fusion System." Four other such fusion centers, designed to gather intelligence on Texans and share it with law-enforcement agencies, have been created in Texas since 2002.

The Collin County Observer has been posting about the "all hazards fusion center" in Collin County. A blogger colleague suggested we should post something to highlight this important reporting by our friend Bill Baumbach at the Observer blog.

The Collin County Observer has been reporting that a February 19. 2009 North Central Texas Fusion System "Prevention Awareness" bulletin distributed to law enforcement organizations warned that mainstream Muslim organizations were infiltrating American institutions, with the goal of gaining support for Islamic-based issues:
A bizarre, conspiracy-laden memo sent to almost 3,000 cops, fire marshals and public-health officials in North Texas links mainstream Muslim-rights organizations and anti-war groups to Middle Eastern terrorists, and calls on law enforcement to “report these types of activities.”

The leaked memo, dated Feb. 19 and labeled “For Official Use Only,” is one in a weekly series of “Prevention Awareness Bulletins” put out by the North Central Texas Fusion System, a regional intelligence-gathering center run by the Collin County Department of Homeland Security. Five such fusion centers, designed to consolidate and share intelligence with law-enforcement agencies, have been created in Texas since 9/11.

The bulletin has increased fears among civil libertarians and Metroplex Muslims that the North Central Texas Fusion System has edged into spying.

The author of the weekly Prevention Awareness Bulletin is James Johnson, son of U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson, a Republican who represents Collin County [in the 3rd Congressional District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. The 3rd Congressional District includes the southwestern portion of Collin County and the Northeastern corner of Dallas County.]
So, what is a Department of Homeland Security "all Hazards Fusion Center" and what does it do, you may be asking yourself. The Department of Homeland Security was authorized to fund local Homeland Security operations around the country as a recommendation from the 9/11 Commission Report. This far-reaching, yet little known or scrutinized, 9/11 Commission recommendation on "domestic" intelligence gathering breaks down the walls between local, state, and federal law enforcement and disaster response.

The thinking went that in terms of both prevention and response, effectively fighting terror would require a much higher level of centralized coordination among federal, state and local law enforcement and emergency services than had ever been previously contemplated. Though local fusion centers vary from state to state, most contain similar elements, including members of state and local law enforcement, public health, social services, public safety, and public works organizations. Increasingly, federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, and Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms are stationing their agents in the local fusion centers too.

(Department of Homeland Security also promotes and funds local "Urban Search and Rescue" (US&R) task forces to provide specialized assistance after disasters to stabilize damaged structures, locate and extricate victims, identify risks of additional collapses, and meet other needs at disaster sites. The US&R task forces are separate from "all hazards fusion centers," but the two efforts are related.)

Fusion centers are low-profile, highly secure sites where federal and state officials with top secret clearance meet in order to collect, analyze, and redistribute information on "all hazards and all threats." The Department of Homeland Security has paid out more than $327 million in funding to local authorities during fiscal years 2004 to 2008 to form 70 centers across the country. The federal government also provides start up personnel and technical support along with the funding.

The list of hazards and threats covered by these centers initially started with terrorism, but soon expanded to include local crime, gangs, "political activists" and weather-related natural disasters. (During the Bush administration Iraq anti-war protesters were identified as "political activists.") Fusion center databases are initialized with a broad spectrum of information, including the location and capabilities of area hospitals, available emergency response resources, and names from federal terrorism and law enforcement watch lists. Local, state and federal representatives now continually update fusion center databases with details of 911 emergency hot-line calls and other information gathered from law enforcement agencies, commercial sources, internet sources, blogs and websites, club and group memberships and, apparently, even religious affiliation.

Bush Administration Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, pressed fusion centers to "fuse" local firefighters with the "intelligence gathering" functions of local Fusion Centers. Chertoff reasoned that because firefighters, as emergency first responders, were in a position to report suspicious observations as they gain entrance to buildings in response to emergency calls.

The 70 local all hazards fusion centers around the U.S., including the one in Collin County, then, generally gather, compile, store, interpret and then distribute to other government agencies huge amounts of information on the "activities" of local citizens.

This data pool is intended to help local, state and federal law enforcement form a clearer picture of threats facing each state. In addition, it helps inform law enforcement investigations, contingency planning, and emergency response. This is what The North Central Texas Fusion System (NCTFS) does - it gathers and interprets information on the "activities" of Collin County residents and sends "reports" to local, state and national law enforcement organizations on what local groups or individual persons might pose a threat.

While Fusion Centers sprang to life and grew to 70 centers under the Bush Administration they seem to have continuing strong support from the Obama administration. "At the Department of Homeland Security, information and intelligence sharing is a top priority and fusion centers play an important role in helping to make that happen... In the world we live in today, it’s critical for federal, state, local and tribal entities to know what the others are doing so each can operate effectively and efficiently," said Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano at the the third annual National Fusion Center Conference in Kansas City on March 11 this year.

"Protecting our country requires a partnership of federal, state and local resources that are fully integrated to not only gather and analyze information, but then to swiftly share that information with appropriate agencies...Fusion centers represent the honing of these protective efforts, while strongly protecting individual rights and civil liberties. They are a vital part of keeping our nation strong, safe and free," Missouri Governor Jay Nixon said in remarks at the same conference.

The National Fusion Center Coordination Group (NFCCG), the 2009 National Fusion Center conference organizer, promoted a conference agenda focused on strengthening the integrated national network of state and major urban area fusion centers that share information and intelligence with the federal government and each other. Close to 1,000 state, local, tribal, territorial and federal partners involved in the 70+ fusion centers across the country attended the March 2009 conference.

Some worry that the information gathered by Fusion Centers might be used to violate civil liberties. This seems to be the implication of the February 19, 2009 North Central Texas Fusion System "Prevention Awareness" bulletin warning about the political activities of Americans who attend Mosque rather than Church.

Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, says pooling information on U.S. citizens who aren't suspected of a crime runs afoul of the Federal Privacy Act of 1974. Some states have even applied for exemptions from constraints on the kind of information they can collect, which Rotenberg calls “a purposeful attempt to suspend federal privacy laws.”

In December of 2008, the DHS issued a "Privacy Impact Statement" giving "civil liberties" oversight guidance to fusion center directors and personnel. The DHS Statement called for the establishment of community oversight committees and the prominent public disclosure of privacy policies, information collected and how the information will be used. The North Central Texas Fusion System in Collin County has not subscribed to nor adhered to these DHS "privacy and civil liberties"guidelines.