Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obama Leads McCain 48% to 41%

Obama Leads McCain 48% to 41% (Gallup Daily) - Barack Obama leads John McCain by seven percentage points, 48% to 41%, among national registered voters according to Gallup's Poll Daily tracking conducted July 23-25.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Barack Obama Acceptance Speech Party At Prince Bistro

Join a large gathering of fellow Collin County Democrats at the Prince Bistro on Thursday August 28 to watch Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech of the Democratic Party's Presidential Nomination.

The Prince Bistro Grill has large screen TVs to watch Senator Obama's speech, tasty food and good drinks in addition to the excellent comaradary of fellow democrats.

Again, join us at 7PM on Thursday August 28 at the Prince Bistro at 1201 E. Spring Creek Pkwy Plano, TX 75074 - Google Map

Insurers Talk Health Care - Physicians Doubt Sincerity

Insurers talk health care: Physicians, advocates doubt sincerity of national campaign - Columbus Dispatch: With reform seemingly inevitable, the health-insurance industry launched a national campaign yesterday to craft a solution to soaring health-care costs and coverage rates. Read More

From Health Care for America Now, the coalition of doctors fighting for universal health care coverage.

An Outrageous Attempt by the Bush Administration

An Outrageous Attempt by the Bush Administration to Undermine Women's Rights - By Sen. Hillary Clinton (Huffington Post) "The Bush administration is up to its old tricks again, quietly putting ideology before science and women's health."

Hagel: Quit Talking About the Surge

Sen. Chuck Hagel: Quit Talking About the Surge! (Huffington Post) - Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel, fresh from an Iraq trip with Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, said the Presidential Candidates should focus on the war's future and stop arguing over the success of last year's troop surge.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Job Losses Jump Again

The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for jobless benefits jumped 34,000 last week, government data on Thursday showed, reflecting seasonal volatility typical at this time of year.

Initial claims for state unemployment insurance benefits rose to a seasonally adjusted 406,000 in the week ended July 19, from a revised 372,000 the prior week, the Labor Department said. It was the highest reading since late March.

Matthew 25 Network

There’s a new religious political action committee, the Matthew 25 Network, that may very well have an impact on the political scene this year, far more than any religious progressives have had in quite a while. Keep in mind, the ads aren’t coming from Barack Obama's campaign organization or anyone associated with his campaign or the Democratic Party — this is an independent Christian PAC, targeting Christian voters, on Christian radio, with a Christian message.

Generation Gap Widens In 2008 Electorate

'Generation Gap' Widens In 2008 Electorate (WSJ Online) - Democrat Barack Obama has a strong lead among younger voters, and Republican John McCain is solidly in front among older voters. That divide has grown in the past month, according to the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.