
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wendy Davis For Texas Governor

Wendy Davis got her start in public service on the Fort Worth City Council. Her work there and in the Texas Senate show she's a fighter working for all Texans, working to restore the Texas Promise of equal opportunity to education, a strong economy and a government that works for all people, not just some special interests.

Davis began working after school at 14 to help support her family, and by 19 was a young mother. To make a better life, she enrolled in community college.

Hard work, with the help of scholarships, loans and grants led her to Texas Christian University and later Harvard Law, where she graduated with honors.

After law school, she helped grow a successful business and served nearly a decade on the Fort Worth City Council. As chair of the City's Economic Development Committee, Wendy helped create numerous public-private partnerships and helped bring thousands of new jobs to Tarrant County.

She defeated a longtime Republican incumbent, and was elected to the Texas Senate in 2008. In 2011, Senator Davis stood up and filibustered a budget that slashed more than $5 billion from our public schools. Her leadership in the Legislature was instrumental in getting a majority of that funding back in 2013.

Wendy knows Texas families can't thrive and we can't sustain our economic growth if we don't invest in the next generation of Texans. Her education plan starts with quality pre-Kindergarten, and includes less emphasis on teaching to a test. Students need more and better access to higher education. One of the best ways to get them into college, to ensure that they graduate, and to reduce their out-of-pocket costs, is to allow them to obtain college credit while in high school.

She has also pushed for and supported policies that would create jobs for our service men and women upon their re-entry into civilian life and made sure that veterans and their families are provided every opportunity for a quality education.

Some Republican elected officials have turned state agencies and programs into their own personal piggy bank, granting favors to their friends, and rewarding donors. As Governor, Wendy Davis will support measures to root out corruption and waste and make sure the state budgeting process is transparent. Taxpayers should be able to see how each dollar is spent.

Texas should be a national leader in jobs that pay enough to raise families. In the Senate, Wendy Davis authored a bill to put “Texas Jobs First” requiring the state government, when possible, to give Texas companies the first opportunity at contracts, and passed legislation requiring the Department of Transportation to grant preference to local contractors for certain Texas road projects.

Wendy is running for Governor to protect our working Texas families, increase investment in public schools, and fix our infrastructure to create jobs and strengthen neighborhoods all across Texas. She'll fight each day to ensure that Texas remains a state where hard work and determination are rewarded and everybody has the chance to succeed.

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