
Friday, February 12, 2010

Conducting Your March 2nd Democratic Precinct Convention

Primary voters throughout Collin County will go to their 2010 primary election day polling locations after the polls close on March 2, 2010 to hold precinct conventions to do the following:
  1. Elect delegates and alternates to the 2010 Democratic Collin County Convention.
  2. Adopt resolutions that will be submitted to the county convention.
Sign posted by Democratic
Judge at polling location
The 2010 Collin County Democratic Convention Convenes on Saturday, March 20th, 10:30 a.m at the Plano Centre. (Spring Creek Parkway & Jupiter Rd.)

Collin County residents must have voted in the 2010 Democratic primary in order to sign into one of the 179 Democratic precinct conventions, which convene shortly after the polls close on March 2nd, at the 65 polling locations around Collin Co. Republican primary voters will also conduct their own precinct conventions at different locations within the same 2010 primary election day polling locations.
March 2nd polling locations will have one to several separately convened Republican and Democratic Party precinct conventions, in different locations around the polling places' gym, cafeteria, lobby and so forth. People must locate and attend their party's precinct convention for their home address voting precinct.

Each Primary Election Day Polling Place Democratic Election Judge will contact the Democratic chairs of precincts voting at his/her polling location before election day to coordinate the election evening precinct convention hand off. Otherwise, for any precinct without a chair, the Democratic Party of Collin County Primary Administrator will give a list of 2008 precinct convention delegates to the Democratic Election Judge to contact for election evening precinct convention hand off. The Precinct Chair typically serves as the temporary precinct convention chair to organize the precinct convention, but, in the absence of a Precinct Chair, anyone who votes in the party's 2010 primary may serve as temporary chair.

Anyone who wishes to help organize the election evening precinct convention for their home voting precinct should contact the Democratic Party of Collin County office at either 972-578-1483 or and ask for the Primary Administrator.
Precinct Conventions Are Quick And Easy

The precinct convention may seem complicated at first, but it is very easy and quick to conduct. Here are the two basic rules that you need to know:
  1. Voters who VOTED in the Democratic primary (either early, or by mail, or on election day) can participate in the precinct convention for the precinct where they are registered to vote. You can find your precinct number on your Voter Registration Card in the box titled "Prec. No." You can see your Registration Card online by clicking here.

  2. The Democratic Party Precinct Chair of your precinct has priority in terms of convening the precinct convention and is considered the temporary chair of the convention; however, any registered voter from the precinct who voted in the 2010 Democratic Primary can start the convention in the event the precinct chair does not attend the convention, or the precinct chair position is vacant.

    The precinct chair, or other person intending to serve as the temporary chair of the convention, inspects the polling location to determine a good location for the convention. A large sign is placed at the polling place telling exactly when and where the convention will be held. Each voter should also be provided the information verbally and given a hand-out reminder.

    The county party provides a convention packet with instructions, forms, and an easy to fill-in agenda/minutes. The packet is typically kept at the Primary Polling Place by the Election Judge for the election day polling location. The packets are handed off to the temporary chair at the time that the Election Judge declares the Election Day Polling Place closed or at 7:15 P.M., which ever is later.

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